江戸時代から六ヶ所の阿弥陀様を念じれば 極楽浄土へ行けるかな ?
真如堂→永観堂→清水寺阿弥陀堂→安祥院→安養寺→誓願寺の順番に回る ♪
1月15日に お寺によっては 甘酒が頂けるかもね ♪
で観られます ♪
Visiting first the Amitabha images enshrined in the six temples ♪
Can you go to the Buddhists' paradise if you pray for Amitabha of six places from the Edo era?
It turns around in order of shinnyodou temple → Eikan-do Temple → Kiyomizu-dera Temple Amitabha hall → ansyoin→ Anyoji → vow temple ♪
It is sweet alcoholic drink made from sake lees depending on a temple on January 15 ♪
The photograph
It is watched ♪

真如堂→永観堂→清水寺阿弥陀堂→安祥院→安養寺→誓願寺の順番に回る ♪
1月15日に お寺によっては 甘酒が頂けるかもね ♪
で観られます ♪
Visiting first the Amitabha images enshrined in the six temples ♪
Can you go to the Buddhists' paradise if you pray for Amitabha of six places from the Edo era?
It turns around in order of shinnyodou temple → Eikan-do Temple → Kiyomizu-dera Temple Amitabha hall → ansyoin→ Anyoji → vow temple ♪
It is sweet alcoholic drink made from sake lees depending on a temple on January 15 ♪
The photograph
It is watched ♪