過去に予測したことについて述べるfigured, assumed や guessed のような単語は would と使うことで、過去に予測したことについて述べることができます。 I assumed the store would be closed today for the public holiday. 今日は祝日なのでその店は閉まっていると思ったのですが。
Rewrite Listening A, making it about a different event and giving Speaker B a different reason for not attending.
[Rd-45] I figured they'd be sold out.
Describing past preconceptions
Words such as figured, assumed and guessed can be used with would to describe pat preconceptions.
I assumed the store would be closed today for the public holiday.
Do you ever wait in line to buy new or limited edition products? Why or why not?
A: Did you get one of those limited edition Mr. Monkey mugs you were after?
B: No. I saw the people waiting outside the store, and I figured they'd be sold out by the time got in there.
A. You probably could've got one if you'd lined up.
B: Maybe, but I'm sure they'll be selling them an Internet auction site soon. I just wat then.
I figured it would be a waste of time.
I assumed it'd be too expensive.
I guessed they wouldn't have enough in stock.お
