be taken over 占拠される
demonstrator デモ隊
struggle to deal with 対処するのに苦労する
encampment 野営地 encampキャンプする
just days before 数日前
graduation ceremony 卒業式
be arrested 逮捕される
be amplified 増幅される
amplify, expand, broaden, widen, increase,
be affiliated 提携する、関係する
affiliated,related, associated, dependent,
pursue agenda 課題を追求する
remind … of.... 思い出させる
anti-Vietnam War protests
more specifically もっとはっきり言えば
join one’s protests 抗議に参加する
be unavoidable やむを得ない、避けられない
Dozens of college campuses across the US have been taken over by students protesting against the war in Gaza.
The universities have been struggled to deal with the encampments on college grounds just days before graduation ceremonies.
New York City police were called out to Columbia's campus and arrested more than 100 demonstrators last week.
Columbia head Dr Minouche Shafik said,
tensions on campus had been amplified by individuals who are not affiliated with Columbia to pursue their own agendas.
This article reminds me of the anti-Vietnam War protests by many student’s in the late 1960s.
I guess,
at the time, the universities were hesitant to call the police, because the universities were , so to speak, a symbol of freedom of thought.
As a high school student in the 60’s, I sympathized with the anti-Vietnam War protests.
But now, I think what Columbia head said is probably true.
More specifically, Hamas supporters might have been joining these protests.
Columbia head‘s decision would be unavoidable.
