top court 最高裁
clear the way for ….への 道を開く
abortion 堕胎
pregnancy 妊娠
take effect 発効する
decide whether to 〜するかどうかを決める
amend 改正する
constitution 憲法
establish a right 権利を確立する
U.S. Supreme Court 連邦最高裁
overturn 覆す
Roe v. Wade ruling ローv.ウェイドの判決
abortion providers
file a lawsuit 訴訟を起こす
violate the constitution 憲法に違反する
react to 反応する
Biden‘s campaign バイデン陣営
condemn とがめる、責めるblame, criticize
preserving life 生命の保存sustaining life
divide America. 分断する
incomprehensible 理解できない
Florida's top court on Monday cleared the way for the law banning abortion after six weeks of pregnancy to take effect.
But the Court also gave voters the chance to decide whether to amend the state's constitution to establish a right to an abortion.
Abortion is illegal in Florida since 2022.
But the U.S. Supreme Court overturned its landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling.
A group of Florida abortion providers had filed a lawsuit, saying the 15-week ban violates the state's constitution.
Both Biden and Trump reacted to the ruling on Tuesday.
Biden‘s campaign condemned the extreme decision.
Trump’s campaign said they supported preserving life, but also supported the voters’ right to make decisions for themselves.”
Anyway the voters would decide issue in November.
I guess,
This issue truly divides America.
What a strange country America is.
The idea of banning the right to abortion by law is completely incomprehensible.