Republican Governor 共和党知事
sign a bill into law 法案に署名し法律として成立させる
ban.... from …ing ….が....するのを禁止する
parental consent 親の同意
parent 親、保護者
restrict 制限する
legislation 法律
place restrictions on… …の制限を設ける
pornographic websites ポルノサイト
go into effect 発効する 施行する
invite legal challenges 法的課題を招く
federal judge 連邦判事
temporarily 一時的に
block a law 法律を差し止める
over concerns 懸念から
infringe on …を侵害する
First Amendment rights 修正第1条の権利
judicial system 司法制度
complex and unique 複雑でユニーク
dual system 二元的システム、二重のシステム
federal and state courts 連邦と州の裁判所
be heard 審理される
Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis signed a bill into law banning children under age 14 from having their own social media accounts on Monday.
Fourteen and 15-year-olds will be allowed to have accounts with parental consent.
In addition to restricting social media accounts for children, the legislation also places restrictions on pornographic websites.
The bill goes into effect on January 1, 2025.
This legislation is likely to invite legal challenges.
A federal judge temporarily blocked Ohio’s similar law over concerns In February.
Because the law could infringe on teens’ First Amendment rights.
And another federal judge temporarily blocked Arkansas’ similar law last year.
I guess,
The United States judicial system is complex and unique.
That is a dual system of federal and state courts.
The matter could be heard in federal court.
America is truly a federal country.