Here is a map I made from the past two days of the miyamaakinokirinsou and the miyamarindou as the main flowers which are in their peak at the moment. Others such as the chinguruma, the mountainheath, and others are included. Check it out, you can print it. Here is the link.
3週間前高山植物のマップ (マップリンク map link (full size)
An alpine vegetation map from only 3 weeks ago (マップリンク map link (full size)
Search on search on search but no luck finding the common "English" name for Solidago virgaurea ssp. asiatica...
In Japanese it is "miyamaaknoikirinsou"...loosely translated to "it looks like a giraffe, located in the deep mountains, during fall". What a great name. We'll go with that. It's growing all over the place and is at it's peak, come check it out.
The nogoma and pinegrosbeak have been out a lot lately, as well as the ezo chipmunk, the red fox, and even on the nakadake-susoaidaira trail a hiker spotted a bear on the high mountain west of the trail.
The chinguruma is almost out of season, in regards to the bloom. However it is a sight to see, as it transforms into it's seeding period.
チングルマの開花は、もうすぐシーズンオフです。しかし、このチングルマの花が、花の形を変えていく様子は、見ものです。 It looks like my hair when I don't comb it. 梳かない時の髪の毛に似ています。
"it looks like a giraffe, located in the deep mountains, during fall"
Some blue skies...
Seems like the sasa keeps growing higher...
ミヤマリンドウ miyamarindou