Sea Lupinus

Let's start a scuba diving at just before sixty years old

Photo Exhibition "Boscage and Ocean" by Ikuo Nakamura

2015-02-21 15:00:00 | 日記

写真家の中村 征夫さんはさすがに人気があり、満員でした。一般の方に人気があるせいで、皆さん気にしないで作品をカメラに納めていましたが、特に注意もなし。

Photo Exhibition "Boscage and Ocean" by Photographer Ikuo Nakamura and Mitsuhiko Imamori
FUJIFILM SQUARE is pleased to announce an exhibition of photographs by Mitsuhiko Imamori and Ikuo Nakamura that seek to depict the secrets of the natural world. The exhibition, Lifescapes – unknown worlds right on our doorstep, runs from February 20 – March 11, 2015.

Mitsuhiko Imamori specializes in capturing images of the myriad of life forms that inhabit lakes, rice paddies and fields in the foothills of mountains, and has contributed widely to the popularization of naturalist photography.

Ikuo Nakamura is an underwater photographer who has spent the vast majority of his photographic career focusing on unearthing and depicting the various forms of life that inhabit and actively thrive in the Tokyo Bay area.

This photo exhibition features over 100 images by two of Japan's leading naturalist photographs who have each spent many years researching and portraying the vast range of life forms that inhabit areas close to human habitation, but which remain largely unknown. Many of the photos on display have never before been available for public viewing. The exhibition seeks to communicate the message that we live close to a natural world teeming with diversity, richness and beauty, with many forms of life going about the daily business of living just as we humans do. Both photographers will also hold discussion sessions during the exhibition period.

We are delighted to welcome visitors to come and experience unknown worlds that exist right on our doorstep.

* The word “lifescape” is a portmanteau, combining “life” and “scape” from such words as “landscape,” and expresses the concept of the various forms of life in the natural world, including human beings, and their natural environments.

