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Japan's Economy Suffers Misguided Pundits, Not Export Competition

2014-12-10 02:00:00 | 日記

Japan's Economy Suffers Misguided Pundits, Not Export Competition And Low Birthrates

Forbes 12/10/2014 2:00AM

As is well known now, Japan’s economy recent entered into a “recession” of the fraudulent Gross Domestic Product (GDP) kind.  Importantly, the downturn proclaimed by the astrologists who populate economics, along with their confused Keynesian enablers in the press, isn’t really a recession.

As Intermarket Forecasting’s Richard Salsman has pointed out, the Japanese “recession” merely proves what is well known intuitively: governments can’t create economic growth as much as they can reschedule it.  GDP is a Keynesian creation of the first order, and as it’s focused on consumption, it’s no surprise that a technical recession has taken shape.

With Japanese legislators having telegraphed a 3 percent rise in the country’s consumption tax, Japanese consumers merely pushed up their consumption ahead of the increase.  This rescheduling of purchases increased “growth” prior to the tax hike, and then it decreased the consumption that confused Keynesians view as growth once the tax was implemented.  Japan’s underlying economic fundamentals only changed insofar as the worthless number that is GDP missed the obvious rescheduling of purchasing by Japanese consumers.

Despite this, Japan’s alleged decline very predictably attracted the attention of economic pundits eager to apply their astrology to the infinite decisions made by millions of Japanese every millisecond of every day.  They presume based on a change in the artificial number that is GDP to understand what ails one of the richest economies in the world.

Notable here is that Bloomberg View columnist Megan McArdle recently took to the airwaves to explain to her flock that “better policy can’t save Japan.” According to McArdle, increased competition from other exporters along with demographics that resemble that of “an assisted living facility” render policy toothless.  You can’t make this up.

In McArdle’s defense, the notion of increased global production (exports) weakening growth prospects has been confusing pundits long before she picked up a pen.  What she and the others on whose shoulders she stands presume isn’t something to pay much mind to.  If anything, increased global production (meaning once again, “exports”) represents only good things when applied to Japan, along with all other countries in what is a “closed” world economy.

Seemingly missed by McArdle is the simple economic truth that we produce in order to consume.  Or better yet for those sold on the economically bankrupt notion of “export led growth,” to export is to import.  By definition.  To believe otherwise as McArdle apparently does is to presume that still impoverished countries like China are inhabited by individuals focused on working feverishly to export without any material enhancement in their individual standard of living in return.

The problem with such a belief is that it’s discredited by observable realities.  One doesn’t need to visit China to know that its cities are increasingly populated with gleaming shops selling goods from producers around the world, including from the U.S. and Japan.  And while the Chinese used to suffer living conditions that would make the poorest of Americans shudder, it’s increasingly the case that apartments and houses are going up everywhere in order to fulfill the demands of Chinese seeking the “import” reward of higher living standards in return for their exports.

 Applied to Japan, while competition in a freer global economy is logically increasing, that it is also signals growing markets for Japanese producers to sell to.  To believe otherwise is to once again believe that the individuals who inhabit once-poor countries are producing for the world without any design on exchanging the fruits of their labor for what others have produced.

But for fun, let’s assume for a moment that what McArdle seemingly imagines about producers exporting without any demands in return is true.  If so, as in if every formerly poor individual from China, Poland and Brazil (to name but three countries) is literally banking every cent earned, such an action would in no way subtract from demand.  Banks don’t pay for deposits only to sit on them, rather they pay for deposits so that they can lend what they’ve borrowed to others with near-term consumption desires, and who are willing to pay a rate of interest to consume now.  In short, no act of saving from Chinese “exporters” subtracts from local and/or global demand.  Saving is merely a shift of consumption or investment from one individual to others.

Looking at Japan again vis-à-vis the world, can McArdle really believe that its citizens would be better off economically if the rest of Asia and the world were defined by layabout countries populated by individuals doing nothing? No doubt the competition would be less, but so as a rule would be demand for Japanese exports.  Unless McArdle has created a new law of economics previously unheard of, the individuals who comprise any economy can’t consume without producing first.  Increased global production clearly signals increased demand for goods, including those created by Japanese producers.

Considering Japan vis-à-vis the U.S., did its post-World War II rise weaken the U.S. economic outlook for the Japanese creating cars and televisions that Americans have often chosen over U.S. manufacture of same? Obviously not.  Japanese heft in the carmaking space has freed up Americans to enter into all manner of higher-margin industries.  Ricardo called this “comparative advantage.” Considering televisions, Japanese producers have no doubt erased many American producers, but those TVs made by the Japanese have greatly enhanced the ability of American entertainment conglomerates to broadcast their plenty around the world.

Global trade and the competition that it fosters isn’t economy-sapping war as McArdle’s commentary presumes, rather it’s the happy process whereby everyone raises their game, not to mention that it migrates individual producers into forms of industry most suited to their skills, and for doing so increases their profit margins.  We’ve seen this reveal itself beautifully in the U.S., and Japan is no different.  Trade is good.  Always.

Speaking of war, it’s no major insight to proclaim that World War II represented a demographic disaster for Japan.  Two of its cities were wrecked by nuclear bombs, many more were reduced to rubble, but most tragic of all, Japan lost a generation or two of its best and brightest individuals to needless “competition” of the killing kind.

Yet despite this demographic tragedy that renders the musings of the economic commentariat about “rates of child replacement” microscopic by comparison, Japan’s economy soared after the war.  Thanks to a stable yen made stable by its peg to the dollar, along with the fact that Japanese legislators made annual tax cuts the norm post-war, Japan’s economy took off, so much so that within a few decades it was one of the richest countries in the world.

If Japan could rebound substantially from a true demographic implosion that war is the picture definition of, the idea that its economy won’t be able to grow going forward thanks to lower birthrates that captivate McArdle and other conservatives is not something that readers should take seriously.  “Low birthrates” are assuredly a non-problem that conservatives oddly focus on in much the same way that “global warming’s” alleged horrors are the obsession of the left.

 Economic freedom and good policy trump rates of birth by many miles any day of the week, but perhaps the bigger reason why they’re irrelevant stares McArdle in the face every day that she fires up her computer in order to write her commentary.  It is thanks to the internet that McArdle can doubtless claim readers not just in the U.S., but around the world.  That McArdle can reach the world with her musings brings with it wildly positive economic implications for those who don’t earn a living with the proverbial pen.

Indeed, as evidenced by the rise of Internet concepts along the lines of, and Uber, technological advances mean that entrepreneurs can increasingly sell to what is a global market; the latter made global by global production that has tautologically increased global demand for goods and services.

And what if a future Jeff Bezos of Japan lacks computer programmers to divine his entrepreneurial idea due to the Japanese not procreating enough? That’s no trouble either. Thanks to the same technology that has rendered Amazon a global brand, entrepreneurs can hire and work alongside in the virtual sense programmers sourced by companies such as ODesk that are in the business of hiring those skillful with the computer everywhere from Spokane to Shanghai.

To put it very plainly, Bezos could start Amazon in an “assisted living facility” today so accessible is global talent with the click of a mouse.  Notable there is that Bezos started Amazon in Seattle, WA, a city well known to have suffered a demographic drain in the ‘70s so great that a billboard was erected near SeaTac airport which said “Will the last one to leave Seattle please turn the lights off?” Seattle wasn’t revived by rising birthrates, rather its rebirth was a function of two natives (Bill Gates and Paul Allen) making it Microsoft’s global headquarters.  Birthrates don’t drive growth as McArdle presumes, but talent and economic freedom do.

In that case, and contrary to what McArdle believes, better policy can save Japan.  Japan’s relative weakness today isn’t a function of competition that always and everywhere leads the productive to higher-margin pursuits, nor is it caused by irrelevant rates of birth.  What ails Japan is what ails much of the world at present: too many politicians foisting too much bad medicine, including central bank allocation of limited credit (quantitative easing), on the individuals who comprise the country’s economy.

The answer to Japan’s troubles is quite simple, and it’s all about policy.  Reduced government spending, lower taxes, a stable yen and a quiet Bank of Japan would free up the productive who power economies forward.  What worked post-war will work again, and it will because economic growth is simple, and always results from a reduction of the barriers to production erected by governments.  The shame is that the political class and the economic commentariat don’t understand what is so basic.  Here’s hoping Japan’s voters soon enough tune out both.  The country’s rebound will soon reveal itself if so.


日本復活の処方箋 競争激化も人口減も無関係 








※アベノミクスの3本の矢により、景況は好転するはずだった。ところが7~9月期に2四半期連続のマイナス成長となったことを受け、マッカードル氏は、日本は競争激化と少子高齢化に直面し、金融政策や構造改革をもってしても「限界がある」と論じた(ブルームバーグ・ビュー掲載「Better Policy Can’t Save Japan」)

























