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Leonardo da Vinci and The Battle of Anghiari

2015-06-30 15:00:00 | 日記

  To this day, The Battle of Anghiari by Leonardo da Vinci remains as shrouded in enigma as it is with intrigue.  One of the largest mural project he ever undertook, it is ranked among the most ambitious decorative works in the history of Italian Renaissance art.  What is widely known is that da Vinci and Michelangelo had been concurrently commissioned in 1504, the former to dpict a battle scene from the famous military clash that took place in Tuscany in 1440, the latter to paint another battle in Cascina that occurred in 1364.  The two works were to adorn opposite walls of the Salone dei Cinquecento ( Hall of the Five Hundered ) in the Palazzo Vecchio Florence.

 Neither mural, however, was ever completed - and only tantalizing hints of what may have been are left for us to marvel at, puzzle over and debate.  For instance, the only clue that still exists of what The Battle of Cascina that Michelangelo had envisaged for the Hall is a full-scale sketch of his original compositon.  And while da Vinci's work had progressed beyond the sketching phase, it was still only partially finished and was eventually painted over in the 1560s by Giorgio Vasari.

 Even so The Battle of Anghiari - which has been hailed for its powerful portrayal of the fury and grace of horseback men at war - continued to exert immense influence on generations of artists to come.







