Tip of the Week No.92 'I am Japanese? I am a Japanese?'
Tip of the Week No.91 'youse'
Tip of the Week No.90 'the middle of nowhere'
Tip of the Week No.89 'from scratch'
Tip of the Week No.88 'hoover'
Tip of the Week No.87 'cryptocurrency'
Tip of the Week No.85 'Boxing Day'
Tip of the Week No.84 'choir'
Tip of the Week No.83 'Noel'
Tip of the Week No.82 'sometime? sometimes?'
Tip of the Week No.81 'as fast as your legs can carry you'
Tip of the Week No.80 'I'll eat my hat'
Tip of the Week No.79 'Bob's your uncle'
Tip of the Week No.78 'Chinese whispers'
和歌山県岩出市にある英会話教室Anne Cookeのブログです。 Japanese、稀にScottishが更新いたします。 多くの方に英語の楽しさを知ってもらえたらと思います!