scratch と聞くと、宝くじ?と思うかもしれませんが、from scratch は宝くじとは関係ありません。
from scratch [idiom]
1 without any previous preparation or knowledge
2 from the very beginning, not using any of the work done earlier
from scratch [イディオム]
1 事前の準備や知識なしで
2 何も使わずに最初から
Bake from scratch, learn from scratch, build from scratch, make from scratch など、いろんな動詞とくっつけることができます。
I learned German from scratch in six months.
I won the baking competition but, I didn't make the cake from scratch.
How about you? What have you made from scratch?

from scratch [idiom]
1 without any previous preparation or knowledge
2 from the very beginning, not using any of the work done earlier
from scratch [イディオム]
1 事前の準備や知識なしで
2 何も使わずに最初から
Bake from scratch, learn from scratch, build from scratch, make from scratch など、いろんな動詞とくっつけることができます。
I learned German from scratch in six months.
I won the baking competition but, I didn't make the cake from scratch.
How about you? What have you made from scratch?
