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the news letter from IL DIVO Aug.30

2023-09-02 22:33:51 | IL DIVO 2023
先日届いたnews letterです。

Official Newsletter of Il Divo
Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Watch: Il Divo Studio Chat
Check out our Studio Chat! Hear us discuss all things Steven as the newest member of Il Divo, new album and holiday music as well as tour dates all happening this year! Head on over to our YouTube channel to watch.



IL DIVOの20周年アニバーサリーとしての新譜のレコーディングをマイアミでしていた模様。
プロデューサーはCarlos Lopez氏。

An Update from Sebastien

Dear Music Enthusiasts,

We are so thrilled to share an exciting update from our musical journey that took us to the extremely sunny shores of Miami over the past three weeks. The experience of recording with the talented trio of David, Urs, and Steven has been nothing short of amazing!

Throughout this intense period of creativity and collaboration, we witnessed an incredible display of camaraderie and support amongst ourselves. The bonds we've forged during this time have not only deepened our musical connection but have also reminded us of the power of unity in the world of music. With also beyond talented Carlos Lopez our record producer with whom it wouldn’t have been possible to create such a magical record.

The process of making music for our 20th-anniversary album has been unlike anything we've ever undertaken before. We took an active role in every step of the process, ensuring that our artistic vision and passion were meticulously woven into each note and lyric. From the composition to the arrangement, every decision was a collective effort that allowed us to push our creative boundaries and craft something truly magical.

Indeed, the intensity of these past weeks has been nothing short of exhilarating. The synergy between David, Urs, and Steven has been electric, resulting in a harmonious blend of talents that's set to redefine our sound. The chemistry we share is evident in every chord and every beat – a testament to the endless hours of dedication and collaboration that took place.

Speaking of collaboration, we're thrilled to officially welcome Steven Labrie as our new member! Steven's incredible talent and dedication have enriched our music-making process beyond measure. His presence has not only elevated our sound but also brought a fresh perspective to the table. Steven, we love having you on board and can't wait to continue creating musical magic together!

As we gear up to unveil our 20th-anniversary album to the world, we're brimming with excitement and anticipation. This project is not just a collection of songs; it's a celebration of our journey, our growth, and our unwavering commitment to the art of music. And trust us when we say, this is just the beginning!

Stay tuned for more surprises, more heartwarming melodies, and more stories to be shared. Our journey is far from over, and we're thrilled to have you all by our side as we embark on this exciting new chapter.

An Update from Steven

Well, the cat’s out of the bag! It was finally announced a few weeks ago that I’m officially a member of Il Divo! The announcement came while we were in Miami recording new songs for Il Divo’s 20th anniversary album. I did my first major TV interview with the rest of the guys with Telemundo. When we were at the TV studio, we got to watch a the weatherman do a short forecast and then Seb had a short lesson in how to do the weather and attempted to point at all the right places on the green screen. That was fun! We just wrapped up recording our vocals last week. The whole process has been a balance between thrilling and stressful. The four of us have spent countless hours on the phone over the past several months making decisions about the music and the arrangements. We have an incredible multi Grammy winning producer, Carlos Lopez, who is just incredible. And together through all these conversations and artistic choices, we have come up with someone that’s epic and I can’t wait to share it with everyone. The recording process was super fun. What I enjoyed the most was when the time came to record the harmonies, after we had all spent time recording our lead vocals, we all spent hours in the studio coming up with them together and filling in gaps of the songs and all getting a chance to share our creative solutions to take each song to the next level. It is a very collaborative environment between the four of us and our producer Carlos Lopez. So those hours and hours in the studio were really fulfilling.

We now have some time off, so I’m on a little vacation with everyone’s favorite Frenchman for a week or so and then I’ll head home to New York until we head back out on the road. It’s almost 6 months since I’ve been on stage, so I can’t wait to get back out there. Revisiting Turkey and Spain and going back to some beautiful places in around the rest of Europe and visiting some new ones. And then, Australia!!! I’ve never been, so I’m excited. Followed by lots of new places in Asia for me and back to Japan and Hong Kong, where I sang with Hong Kong Opera a few years back. And then Christmas in the US. So it’s an exciting schedule and I’m really looking forward to getting back out on the road. Sending a big hug to everyone!



Intervista Hoy Día Aug.19

2023-08-19 22:45:03 | IL DIVO 2023
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Steven LaBrie(@stevenlabrie)がシェアした投稿

Introduction the 4th member

2023-08-19 07:45:14 | IL DIVO 2023

U:今までのIL DIVOは4つの声のIL DIVOではないと気が付いたんだ。僕らにはバリトンが必要だ。
D:それで残りのツアーのすべてで素晴らしいゲストを招いていて、IL DIVOを完璧なサウンドにするために
 来て手伝ってくれる。 彼の声は僕たちととてもマッチしていて素敵なヤツで、一緒に仕事をするのが楽しいんだ。
 それでIL DIVOの4人目のメンバーとして公式に招いたんです。
U:IL DIVOへようこそ!
