PASIC 2009 Marching Percussion Festival 12日と13日に行われました。
Competitionの為、リハーサル室やホールの外でも熱気あふれるドラムの音が響いていました。表彰式会場を盛り上げたのはゲストMatt Savage氏による演奏でした。
Matt Savage氏の紹介です。
Matt Savage has been playing drums for more than 31 years and currently serves as the director of marching percussion at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He received his Bachelor of Music Education degree from the Crane School of Music at the State University of New York at Potsdam and his Masters degree in Percussion Performance from USC. He has taught at every level of public education, from elementary to the college level. Additionally, he has played snare drum with the legendary Bayonne Bridgemen and served as percussion director and arranger for drum and bugle corps such as The Anaheim Velvet Knights, The Dutchboy of Kitchener, Ontario and The Canton Bluecoats.
In addition to being a marching percussion specialist, Savage is heavily involved with indoor percussion activity as an adjudicator for Winter Guard International. Matt is also the author of "Savage Rudimental Workshop" published by Warner Bros. Music along with being a drum circle facilitator and the creator of the Matt Savage line of marching percussion sticks by Pro-Mark Drumstick Company.
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