Love a person, really need not to need reason?
If you must I give you a reason, I can only say: "I'm just like you, Dream beauty pro like your appearance, like your lovely your beauty, but this is why I why I so love you."
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Because we like a beautiful lover and came to love, but, when we think of each other can meet the requirements of his heart, the but again far-fetched say: "I'm just like you."
Yes, "because you look very dirty."
Die of love, we will compliment each other all sorts of advantage, Dream beauty pro but in quietly buried faults, when after a period of time, each other all sorts of advantages and disadvantages are exposed, throw it to you, break up is naked , then lamented in his heart, he is not so good.
What is love?
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But, you this fool must not voluntarily, crying with wishing to give a reason.
Broke up, still need a reason?
If you want to listen to , he also had to say: "because of love." This is also break up later to convince his own an excuse.
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