The Power of the Dream

The Power of the Dream

French customs and taboos

2014-09-23 15:12:33 | life

In a small classmate party, there was a beautiful girl in interminably about her employer is not. Said the girl, the owner is a rigid French woman, often accused her of doing something wrong here, there and doing something wrong, to chat with her, and said she's French pronunciation is not correct Bordeaux Wine.

Beautiful girl said the French woman, is a fat and disabled old man, her daughter to work in a company in Shanghai, the old lady's daughter to take care of her, she is from France back to Shanghai, then hired can speak French female college students to take care of her. But almost everyone lost in front of the demanding of the French woman, some French leave, some can't stand the old lady's accusations, altogether dispute with her.

Was outraged when the beautiful girl, there was a fat girl coming, whispered to her: "that you don't want to do it again, if you quit your job, whether to give me the care of the work of the French woman?"

Hearing this, the pretty girl said, "that's good, I'm welcome."

Later, the fat girl become the French woman worker. Pretty girl said, "she must be the treats people demanding old lady."

But who also didn't think of, the fat girl become old woman worker, after just a few months, she and the old lady get along very well and even more incredible is that the old lady also mobilization of social relations in France, she let the fat girl to France to further their studies.

Soon, a fat girl won the French university formally invited, money also received a study. In the spring, she can study in France.

Many people feel very strange. Fat girl explained: "the old lady is really hard, I went to the first month to take care of her, she often criticize me wrong here, there is wrong, such as your walking posture is wrong, wrong way... on one occasion, I helped her to take a piece of pizza, and I am a direct draw her with the hand, the old lady suddenly great anger, she rebuked me not bred, said it should have its on the dishes gave her. At that time Polyu faculty of business, my tears almost down, really want to quit. But later, I think, to get food for her directly with the hand, does not fit."

Fat girl is a man of defy spirit, she felt that the old lady's criticism is really no sense, too mean. However, when she look at themselves, but blush with shame. The old lady to criticize her walk wrong, she go home and look in the mirror, saw her walk slightly beat: the old lady said she sitting position is wrong, she consciously observe sitting position, found himself sat down, folded legs no, really awkward; The old lady said she look wrong, she secretly watch in front of a mirror, when she look a little strabismus...

It turns out that all the old lady said, is all right. Just, because of the reason of self-esteem, she rejected criticism in your mind.

Later, fat girl also know the some of the story of the old woman, she was born in Lyon city an aristocratic family, from an early age to accept the good education of upper class, is that kind of life very organized and extremely delicate life.

Since she knew of her shortcomings, she told the old lady there is a new understanding of vitriolic criticism. Criticism by the old lady, it is their own shortcomings, in that case, why not to change it, since then, every time when the old lady criticism, fat girl began to think seriously, you all right? If not, she singapore business formation is hard to correct. She also read a lot of information, to understand some of the French customs and taboos.

In the old lady's birthday, fat girl spent several hours for the old lady had a traditional French cuisine, grilled steak. When fat girl holding a delicious grilled steak, wish her a happy birthday, the old lady suddenly tears.

The old lady said, "my niece also once had grilled steak for me, you and my niece as beautiful, lovely baby bed ."

We must to be happy

2014-09-18 15:05:29 | life

Life has two and a half minutes, one minute to laugh, cry, one minute and a half minutes of love.

At that time, he and she is only 16 years old. He said, this sentence is really unreasonable, long life Accountancy BBA, how can is "a minute laugh, cry, one minute and a half minutes love?"

She said, our life should be every minute in the laughter, every minute in love.

18 years old, no one on their lovemask house.

They cried.

He said that if we can together, we must all in love every minute.

She said, if we can together, we must all in love every minute.

24 years old, and they finally got married.

24 years of age, they become more heavy.

And he said, I want to let you happiness like a princess, declared war on people don't believe in our marriage.

We must to be happy, she saysmask house, people don't believe in our marriage was ashamed.

So tiredly, strong, tears of failure and success of laughter, pain tolerance, gathered from much less days, he and she know, life is a minute of cry, is correct. But he and she still believe that love is the longest.

45 years old, and the glory of self-made let him breath a sigh of relief, he said to her, I finally have time to have a good love you.

He took her to travel, took him in and out of all kinds of entertainment places, including those children go to the playground. Everything to her like a little child, full of boundless curiosity. He is so indulge her. Every moment of love!

46 years old, she fell down, never opened his eyes. Leave, she said, life is only half a minute of love.

He quickly aging, become a white-haired old man overnight.

47 years old, he collapsed. Leave, he said, life is only half a minute of love.

Son and his girlfriend stood in front of the bed, a face of vacantmask house.

decision as an organization

2014-09-17 17:20:23 | life

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — After a day of public pressure from angry fans and concerned sponsors, the Minnesota Vikings have reversed course and placed star running back Adrian Peterson on the exempt-commissioner's permission list, a move that will require him to stay away from the team while he addresses child abuse charges in Texas.

The Vikings made the announcement early Wednesday morning, about a day and a half after initially deciding that Peterson could play with the team while the legal process played out. Peterson is charged with a felony for using a wooden switch to spank his 4-year-old son Medicox.

The Vikings came under heavy criticism for their initial stance. Several sponsors responded by either suspending their deals with the Vikings or severing ties with Peterson.

"While we were trying to make a balanced decision yesterday, after further reflection we have concluded that this resolution is best for the Vikings and for Adrian," owners Zygi and Mark Wilf said in a statement. "We want to be clear: we have a strong stance regarding the protection and welfare of children, and we want to be sure we get this right. At the same time we want to express our support for Adrian and acknowledge his seven-plus years of outstanding commitment to this organization and this community."

The stunning reversal comes after a harrowing day on Tuesday that included the Radisson hotel chains suspending its sponsorship with the Vikings.

Castrol Motor Oil, Special Olympics Minnesota and Mylan Inc. all severed ties with Peterson, and Twin Cities Nike stores pulled Peterson's jerseys from its shelves.

In addition, Anheuser-Busch issued a strongly worded statement that said it was disappointed in the way the NFL was handling all of the negative attention surrounding former Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice's assault of his then-fiancee, and Peterson's arrest for child abuse.

Peterson has said he was disciplining his son and didn't intend to hurt himMedicox.

"This is the best possible outcome given the circumstances," Peterson's agent, Ben Dogra, told The Associated Press. "Adrian understands the gravity of the situation and this enables him to take care of his personal situation. We fully support Adrian and he looks forward to watching his teammates and coaches being successful during his absence."

The Vikings said they had deliberations with the NFL over the previous two days and informed the league they were revisiting the situation.

"After giving the situation additional thought, we have decided this is the appropriate course of action for the organization and for Adrian," the Wilfs said. "We are always focused on trying to make the right decision as an organization.

"We embrace our role — and the responsibilities that go with it — as a leader in the community, as a business partner and as an organization that can build bridges with our fans and positively impact this great region. We appreciate and value the input we have received from our fans, our partners and the communityMedicox ."

Lighthouses for sale! Actually,

2014-09-05 11:27:45 | life

YORK, Maine (AP) — Lighthouses for sale! Actually, lots of lighthouses for free.

Technological advances and a desire to purge unneeded properties have paved the way for the federal government to get rid of more than 100 lighthouses over the last 14 years, and it intends to keep selling and giving them away. The sold lighthouses, located on both coasts and in the Great Lakes states, have become everything from museums to bed-and-breakfasts Medicox.

Dave Waller, who purchased the Graves Island Light Station in the mouth of Boston Harbor for a record $933,888 last year, is retrofitting the turn-of-the-century lighthouse into a private home that can double as a vacation rental. He's trying to fashion a bedroom as far as possible from the foghorn — a challenging feat in a building with about 750 feet of livable space.

"It just seemed like a chance to have something a little more independent and on your own," Waller said.

Sixty-eight of the lighthouses have gone for free to preservationists while 36 others sold at public auction thanks to the National Historic Lighthouse Preservation Act of 2000, which allows the government to dispose of federally-owned lighthouses. The act turns 14 next month. The Coast Guard, which maintains lighthouses, has 71 other lighthouses queued up to go through the transfer process, and four are at auction now.

The Coast Guard owns 254 light houses, officials said. The question is more about which ones it will keep than which ones it will eventually sell, said Jeff Gales, executive director of the non-profit U.S. Lighthouse Society.

"There is an end in sight," Gales said. "There's a limited number of lighthouses.Medicox"

The federal General Services Administration, which sells the lighthouses, does not have a target number of how many lighthouses it would like to sell and give away, but the Coast Guard is always looking to shed excess lighthouses that "are often no longer critical" to the guard's work, said Patrick Sclafani, a spokesman for the agency. Buyers and preservationists typically allow the Coast Guard access to the lighthouses so it can maintain the lights, all of which are automated.

The administration is the nearing the end of an online auction for the Halfway Rock Light Station off of Harpswell, Maine. The lighthouse is attracting interest, with a half dozen bidders and a high bid of more than $240,000. That's a good figure for a lighthouse that is only accessible by boat, a feature that frequently drives bidders away, Gales said.

Some of the lighthouses — typically those that are easily accessed on land — are transferred swiftly to historic preservation groups, while others that are off-shore or in need of heavy maintenance languish on the auction block with no interested bidders. Still others attract the eye of private investors, such as Boston's Waller.

Officials say the GSA's Boston office has been responsible for about 80 percent of lighthouse conveyances and those transfers have netted $3.35 million for the Coast Guard Medicox.

That office closed out an auction of New England's tallest lighthouse, the Boon Island Light Station off of York, Maine, in August with a top bid of $78,000 out of 12 bidders. Winning bidder Art Girard of Portland, Maine, will inherit the 133-foot lighthouse and a challenge: it is located on an isolated, rocky island six miles off the Maine coast, barely salient from Cape Neddick in York.

The government also is currently auctioning lighthouses in Massachusetts, Michigan and Wisconsin.