ギター練習日誌~Guitar Practice Room~


コードのヴォイシングの話~(高中正義「PLUMED BIRD」より)

2023年10月15日 11時02分05秒 | ギター/Guitar

ある日、高中さんの「PLUMED BIRD」という曲をコピーしていたらストリングスソロ部分のコード進行の


One day, when I was copying Mr. Takanaka's song "PLUMED BIRD", I noticed the sound of the chord progression in the string solo part.


「Dmaj7 - D9(-13) - Gmaj7」というコード進行なのだが、学生の頃はここを

「Dmaj7    〃   Gmaj7 〃 」・・と弾いていたと思う(コード理論など何も知らなかった頃)

The chord progression is "Dmaj7 - D9(-13) - Gmaj7", but when I was a student I think I played this as "Dmaj7 〃 Gmaj7〃" (back when I didn't know anything about chord theory)



If you listen to it now, you'll notice that when you move on to "Gmaj7," you're creating "Two Five" and it's "Dmaj7⇨D7."




So far, everything is according to the theory of music theory, but as expected, the pros have added one more twist.

Adding tension to "D7" makes it "D9"




The chord "D9" is "D7(9)", not the "9th note" added to the "D" chord.

This is a chord that adds the “9th note” to the “D7” chord.



Because the notation is troublesome, it is sometimes written as "D9" instead of "D7(9)".




By the way, if you say "add 9" and write it as "D7(+9)" (plus)...

But if you do that, it will mean "#9" and "raise the 9th note by a semitone," so be careful!



(The opposite of this is "D7(-9)," which is the same as (♭9) and "lowers a semitone.")





I'm off topic, but changing "D7" to "D9" wasn't the end of the story.

The tension of “D9(-13)” is also added!



By doing so, you can ask yourself, ``What's going on?

It is as shown in the TAB score below.


「Dmaj7 - D7 - Gmaj7」のコード進行の様々な押さえ方


【ex.1】Dmaj7 - D7 - Gmaj7の普通の押さえ方~various position forms

【ex.2】D7→D9にしてみた~I tried changing from D7 to D9

【ex.3】Gmaj7を違うカタチにしてみた~I tried making Gmaj7 in a different form.


By adding the tension note (-13) to D9, a ``5-6-7'' ``semitone progression'' (cliché) was created on the ``1st string'' (it feels ``beautiful''! )



            ⇧If you focus on the "1st & 2nd strings" of the upper pressing method,⇩It will look like below,




           The 2nd string is set to "7-5-7 (frets)" so let's change that as well.

           Then you can also create a "7-5-3 (fret)" shape like the TAB score on the right.

           This is also beautiful (feels good)!













I usually enjoy music while thinking about things like this.





As I listen to the song, I encounter events like this at various points.

It's like doing an archaeological expedition at an excavation site.










Digging up the sand and staring at the pieces of stone I picked up


"Hmm? This might be some kind of treasure..."

"This is just a stone..."




...etc. and so on.




  🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀  









P.S. I heard that this way of interacting with music is called "harmony".


I wonder if you could call it the ``strange way in which the chords and melody intertwine''?


The task of finding the "exquisite combination" among various patterns...











When it comes to genres that are conscious of "harmony" and experiment with various things, I think "classical music" is the champion.


It looks just like the Egyptian pyramids


Your thinking is so deep that I can't keep up with it.


It's too epic a romance






I feel like it is similar to “cooking” 




Hmmm, an infinite labyrinth. .




《追記/ヴォイシングについて・・》~P.S./About voicing





Use tension chords to make your chords more mature.

It is rarely seen in folk songs, simple pop, rock, punk, etc.




Tension chords often appear in fusion songs.

When it comes to jazz and bossa nova, only tension chords come out (this is a bit of an exaggeration)




Tension chords have a lot of notes, so unless you omit some notes, it will be difficult to play.

The task of ``omitting sounds'' becomes essential.




At the same time, you need to consider the order of the notes so that they are easy to memorize.

That's what "chord voicing" is all about, and it even appears in music school classes.




This is a very important factor not only in guitar but also in music.

Depending on the chord voicing, even a simple sound can become cool.




So fusion and jazz people spend a lot of time on this process.

There's no end to it when you're doing it, but once you get used to it, it becomes a lot of fun and becomes a maniacal task...



【ex.6】初歩的なコードヴォイシングの一例~An example of basic chord voicing



Ⓐ「Em7-A7-Dmaj7-Gmaj7」というコード進行のオーソドックスな押さえ方~orthodox position



If you change it to "Em7→Em9", "A7→A7(-13)", "Dmaj7→Dmaj9"

A "semitone progression" is created on the 2nd string.

"The rugged feel changes to a gentle and gentle impression."






When playing mainly high notes (1st to 4th strings), such as 16-beat chord cutting,


In this way, try grouping them together in a close place so as not to give too much movement to the "1st string"




The last Gmaj7,There may be cases where you want to raise the 1st string from the 9th fret to the 10th fret.


                         (※調号は省略/Key signature omitted)










There are various cases that can be considered, but it is a fun task to try.


Before you know it, time has passed










See you someday🎵






Ⓕ4つのコード全て2弦5フレットで統一したパターン~All patterns are unified on the 5th fret of 2nd string



Ⓖ2弦5フレットから下がってゆくパターン~Pattern descending from the 2nd string 5th fret






