[Nancy Pelosi Military Tribunal, Part I]RRN
By Michael Baxter -December 17, 2022
(Due to the length of this article, I am separating it into parts. I will try to get the 2nd part published this evening.)
Thirteen hours over two days is how long it took Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall of the United States Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps to present evidence against former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whom a 3-officer panel found guilty of treason, seditious conspiracy, and conspiracy to commit murder late Thursday afternoon.
In an opening statement, the admiral said JAG and the Office of Military Commissions had copious evidence linking Pelosi to crimes dating back to 1987 but, for time’s sake, would focus only on her most recent and egregious offenses, starting with a 2016 murder-for-hire plot to assassinate then-presidential candidate Donald J. Trump. He said JAG was aware of many nefarious schemes to end Trump’s life–all of which were bungled or foiled–and had incontrovertible evidence tying Pelosi to four. Moreover, Adm. Crandall told the panel he would prove beyond reasonable doubt that Pelosi in 2018 hatched a plot to kidnap Barron Trump to force Donald Trump’s resignation, so Pence would be the new president. Pelosi, Vice Adm. Crandall said, had even considered having Melania or Ivanka murdered in hopes of forcing a tormented Trump from office.
Furthermore, he said Pelosi shared responsibility with the late Gavin Newsom in locking down California and enforcing draconian vaccine mandates that sickened or killed countless residents of the Golden State. Pelosi’s “Covid crimes,” he intoned, violated the Constitution of the United States; they affronted the very people she had sworn to serve. But as persons withered and died—not from Covid but from the clot shot —and families grieved, Pelosi grew in wealth and power, immeasurably so. When she wasn’t wielding an iron fist, she was clutching the bottle, Vice Adm. Crandall said, and informed the panel witness statements and Pelosi’s own documents would give credence to JAG’s allegations.
“This woman isn’t even vaccinated,” Vice Adm. Crandall said, pointing at Pelosi. “We know this because we pulled her blood, and we can test. She eschewed her own mandates. Why? Because she knew the vaccines were dangerous, and we’ll prove that.”
When offered a chance to give her own opening statement, Pelosi, appearing sans counsel, pursed her lips and kept quiet. She was disheveled and seemed distraught, her shriveled, bony fingers visibly trembling as bloodshot eyes scanned the court.
Vice Admiral Crandall introduced a witness, a 29-year-old Latin male named Xavier Ramirez, who, having been sworn in, described himself as Pelosi’s former gigolo and “boy toy.” He testified under oath that he had regularly “entertained” Pelosi between April and July of 2016, usually at upscale hotels in the San Francisco area. Mr. Ramirez said he hadn’t documented each meeting, but guessed he saw Pelosi 15 times.
“I hope you were paid well, Mr. Ramirez,” Vice Adm. Crandall quipped.
“Very well,” the witness replied.
“I’ve never seen this man before in my life,” Pelosi shouted at the top of her lungs, her voice gravelly and hoarse.
The admiral reprimanded her outburst, saying she could either exercise decorum or be physically restrained.
“Mr. Ramirez, when we first spoke, you mentioned a specific meeting on a certain date. If you would, would you please repeat what you said, to the best of your recollection,” Vice Adm. Crandall said.
“It was July 21, 2016. Nancy was in a bad way because Mr. Donald Trump just accepted the Republican nomination. Trump this, Trump that was all she talked about. She paid me, so I listened. She was drinking, of course. Nancy likes to drink. She is a big drinker, a habitual drinker, to say it in a nice way. So, the more she drinks, the more she talks—”
“—While we appreciate your colorful tale, could you please be briefer, come to the point,” Vice Adm. Crandall said.
“The point, yes; she said she wanted to kill Donald Trump,” the witness said.
“Kill or have killed?”
“Well, have killed; she certainly wasn’t doing it herself. Nancy asked me do I know someone, because I am Cuban, I must know someone, she told me. And there I am thinking to myself why I should know a hitman just because I’m Cuban. I thought maybe she joked and asked if she was kidding, but, no, Nancy was dead serious. She offered me $25k cash in advance to find someone. Nancy said if I did, and it got done, I’d get $225K more and the person who kill Trump get $250K. Then she laughs and says to me if Trump has too much protection, she can do the daughter—you know, tall, pretty blonde, Ivanka.”
Vice Admiral asked if Mr. Ramirez had seen or handled the $25,000.
“I saw it come out of her purse. Banded stacks $1000 each. I saw it, I touched it, but I did not take. I told her, ‘You’re Nancy Pelosi, you must have powerful friends. I want nothing to do with this,’ and she tells me, and this I remember very well, ‘This time it has to be an outside party.’ I tell her flatly that’s not why I am here,” Mr. Ramirez explained.
“And I assume, Mr. Ramirez, the ‘services’ you performed for the defendant didn’t cost 25 grand,” Vice Adm. Crandall said.
Mr. Ramirez laughed. “No, I wish, but much less, and she paid me in advance.”
“Did you bring your concerns to the Secret Service, to the police?”
“Are you crazy? No. If she could kill Trump, I could get killed like a fly on the wall. When I left, it was last time I saw her,” Mr. Ramirez said.
“Yet the defendant claims she’s never seen you before today. But we know that’s untrue,” Vice Adm. Crandall said.
He projected onto a large screen television digital images he had obtained from the witness. One clearly showed Pelosi and Mr. Ramirez hugging in a hotel room; another showed them standing side-by-side, smiling at a camera. “These are ‘selfies’ you took in the defendant’s company, is that correct?”
“That’s correct,” Mr. Ramirez said.
“Why did you take them?”
“Bragging rights.”
Vice Adm. Crandall snorted. “I really don’t think that’s something to brag about, Mr. Ramirez. You’re excused.”
The admiral addressed the panel: “This alone is solicitation for murder, which in traditional courts carries up to a 20-year sentence. In this case, we’re talking about a presidential candidate. And we’re by no means done.”
Note: I will post Part II ASAP.[to be continued....]
マイケル・バクスター著 -2022年12月17日号
冒頭陳述でクランドール提督が述べた話が、JAGと軍事委員会事務局には、ペロシと1987年にまでさかのぼる犯罪を結びつける膨大な犯罪証拠があるとした。だがしかし、時間の関係で、当時の大統領候補ドナルド・J・トランプを暗殺しようとした2016年の嘱託殺人に始まる、彼女の最も最近の酷い犯罪にのみ、まず焦点を当てるべきだろうと述べた。彼らは、JAGがトランプの命を狙う多くの邪悪な暗殺計画を知っており、そのすべてが失敗に終わっており、ペロシと4つの陰謀計画を結びつける揺るぎない証拠を持っている、と述べたのである。 さらにクランドール提督は、2018年にペロシがドナルド・トランプの辞任を迫るために、息子バロン・トランプを誘拐し、ペンス副大統領が新大統領になるよう仕向ける計画を立てたことを、合理的疑いを超えて証明するとパネル判事に述べたという。ペロシは、苦悩するトランプを退陣に追い込むために、妻メラニアか娘イヴァンカを殺害させることまで想定して考えていたと、クランドール副将は述べた。
さらに、ペロシは故ギャビン・ニューサム氏(※JAGによってギトモ死刑=カルフォルニア州知事)と共同での策謀について言及した。その陰謀の計画策定によって、カリフォルニア州を封鎖し、強硬なワクチン接種を強制して、ゴールデンステートに住む無数の住民を病気にしたり、死亡させたりした責任を負っていると述べた。ペロシの "Covid犯罪 "は、合衆国憲法に違反し、彼女が国に奉仕することを誓ったので、国民を侮辱するものだと彼は主張した。しかし、ペロシは、コビッドではなく、まさにワクチン血栓猛毒注射によって、米国人の命が枯れ、死に絶え、家族が悲しむ中、生き残って富と権力を増大させて行き、計り知れないほどの富の成長を遂げたのである。Crandall副提督は、彼女が鉄拳を振るっていないときは、ボトルを硬く握りしめて怒りで緊張していたと述べた。目撃者の証言とペロシ自身の文書により、JAGの申し立てを信憑性のあるものにするとパネル判事に伝えたという。
「相手が高給を支払ったのですね、ラミレスさん 」とクランドール副提督は皮肉って口走った。
「2016年7月21日 」でした。ドナルド・トランプ氏が共和党の指名を受けたばかりで、ナンシーはその時具合が悪かったんです。トランプはこれ、トランプはあれと、彼女はそればかり話していた。彼女は私に給料を払ってくれたので、私は気分よく話を聞いてみました。もちろん彼女は深酒を飲んでいた。ナンシーはお酒が好きな女です。大酒飲みで、いい方を変えれば常習的な酒飲みだった。だから、飲めば飲むほど、彼女はしゃべりまくる......」。
「要点は、そうですね。彼女はドナルド・トランプを殺したいと言っていました。」 と、証人は語った。
「殺す? それとももう殺した?どっち?」
「彼女の財布から出るのを見た。バンド スタックはそれぞれ $1000 で1000ドルずつ束ねたものです。私はそれを見て、お札を触った。しかし結局、私は受け取らなかった。あのナンシー・ペロシなんだから、強力な助っ人が居るに違いないと言ったんだ。すると彼女は、これはよく覚えているんですが、「今回は外部の人間でなければならない」と言ったのです。私はそのために此処に来て居るのではない、ときっぱりと断った」と、ラミレス氏が事情を説明した。
「そして、ラミレスさん、あなたが被告のために行った[サービス ]は、報酬25もの大きな札もしていなかったんでしょうね」と、クランドール副提督が疑問を呈して呟いた。
「その通りです 」と、ラミレス氏は誤魔化すことを諦めて、正直に述べた。
注:早急にパートⅡを掲載します[to be continued...]。意訳文責ハルジャス】
『いよいよ待望の本物ナンシー・ペロシ(Nancy Pelosi)のJAG裁判がギトモ裁判所で始まった。最近、大きな政局出来事が驚くほど同時多発していたので、JAG専任ライターMichael Baxter氏も嬉しい悲鳴を上げていた。