

Nancy Pelosi's husband sold semiconductor stocks

2022-08-05 10:43:04 | 日記


众议院议长南希·佩洛西 (D-Calif.) 的丈夫出售了价值高达 500 万美元的芯片制造商 Nvidia 的股票,因为众议院准备对一项专注于国内芯片制造业的法案进行投票。


佩洛西完成了周二签署的一份期间交易报告,显示她的丈夫保罗佩洛西以平均 165.05 美元的价格出售了 25,000 股英伟达股票,总亏损 341,365 美元。



In total, the shares are worth between $1 million and $5 million.


A separate filing signed by the House Speaker earlier this month indicated that Paul Pelosi had exercised call options last month to purchase 20,000 shares of the chipmaker at a strike price of $100.


The latest regulatory filing came one day before the Senate passed legislation in a 64-33 vote to provide $280 billion to bolster the American semiconductor industry as the nation grappled with a chip shortage, which was impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.


Asked about her husband’s decision to sell his shares given the timing of the House’s vote on the chips bill, Pelosi spokesperson Drew Hammill told The Hill in a statement, “Mr. Pelosi bought options to buy stock in this company more than a year ago and exercised them on June 17, 2022.”


“As always, he does not discuss these matters with the Speaker until trades have been made and required disclosures must be prepared and filed. Mr. Pelosi decided to sell the shares at a loss rather than allow the misinformation in the press regarding this trade to continue,” he added.


Paul Pelosi’s trading has been under previous scrutiny, including from Republican lawmakers like Sen. Josh Hawley.


The Missouri Republican sent a letter to Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Gary Peters (D-Mich.) last week about a proposal to ban members of Congress and their spouses from insider stock trading and cited Paul Pelosi’s purchase of the Nvidia stock.



