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It's about time (April)

It's about time (April)

Group April was honored to win the Newcomer Award at the 22nd Korea Entertainment Arts Awards, held at Seongnam Art Center in Seongnam, Gyeonggi Province on the 18th.

To commemorate April's Newcomer Award, their agency DSP Media released photos taken by the members backstage at the awards ceremony on the morning of the 19th. The photos show the members' cute smiles, conveying their joy at winning the Newcomer Award.

April is a new idol group that appeared like a comet in the music industry last August with a pure image, and their fan base has been rapidly increasing with the release of songs such as "Dream Candy," "Muah!," and "Snowman."

Immediately after their debut, they were a candidate for first place on music show rankings, and furthermore, they rose to the top of the overall chart of Tower Records, Japan's largest CD store chain, beating out top Japanese and Korean artists, announcing the birth of a major new talent.

(From K-POP News)

I don't know how much prestige the Newcomer Award at the 22nd Korea Entertainment Arts Awards has.

However, I do know that April, as the youngest daughters of DSP Media, which also owns KARA, debuted while attracting a lot of attention.

I also remember that they were a candidate for first place on music show rankings immediately after their debut, and they rose to the top of the overall chart of Tower Records, Japan's largest CD store chain, beating out top Japanese and Korean artists.

That's right. That was in August of last year, in the middle of the K-POP girls' summer showdown...!

They continued to work hard for a while, releasing new songs one after another. But it seems the timing of their debut was bad.

It is during the simultaneous comeback of the leading girls that newcomers also attract a lot of attention.

The plan itself was not wrong.
The more the expected battle between the pure and sexy girls heated up, the greater the chances that April would break in and attract attention.

Pure girls' greatest weapon is, without a doubt, their freshness.

However, there was another miscalculation.

As it turned out, no leading girls had made a comeback with a fully-fledged sexy concept.

Groups that had made sexiness their selling point watered down their speciality and appeared with ladylike performances (though there were unknown groups that tried to make their mark solely on sexiness).

Even Girls' Generation, who have a lot of drawers, seemed to have put their experimental performances away in the closet, and returned with a very normal young lady style.

Then the enthusiasm of the pure and devoted group, which had been waiting for the right moment, was dashed.

When the stage becomes a competition between gracefulness and cuteness, the performances of groups that have changed rather than the conventional line-up come alive.

This was the case with AOA and Girls' Generation.
Naturally, the reaction from fans was good.

For Apink, the representative of the pure and devoted group, it was a tough summer showdown, as it felt like they were trying to drive out an enemy that had come into their hunting ground.

Lovelyz and April, who have similar performance styles, are chasing after them one after another, and the not-so-large capacity is becoming saturated with pure groups.

However, Apink had made a comeback with songs and performances that were more advanced than pure, so they were just about to overcome this crisis.

If they had continued to sing and perform at the level of "LUV," the Apink group might have sunk.

Even under bad conditions, Apink managed to survive the competition. However, the pure and innocent group around Apink, such as Lovelyz and April, were exposed to the onslaught of other girls and suffered a fatal blow.

When the girl war was over, Girls' Generation concluded the summer girls' battle with "Lion Heart".

As if to soothe the fierce battle of the summer, they neutralized purity and sexiness and added a humorous ease to create a song with depth of flavor.

☆Lion Heart~♪

This song is a masterpiece that reminds us of that summer.

Now that KARA is gone, April must aim to rise up again.

Since they are chasing after Apink, they should catch up with them quickly and compete fiercely to become equal to Apink and succeed KARA.

And of course Lovelyz...

For now, let's make a comeback with the fan meeting hosted by Youngji.

Do your best! 

★Related Articles

Girl group April's first fan meeting in Japan is a success...KARA's Youngji is the MC

Newcomer girl group April's first fan meeting in Japan will be held with special MC Heo Youngji of KARA, an artist affiliated with DSP Media.

The fan meeting will be held on March 6th at Toyosu PIT in Tokyo, and will be titled "April JAPAN FANMEETING 2016 ~The First Fairy Tale~".

For this event, KARA's Heo Youngji will be the special MC, using her fluent Japanese skills as a senior in Japan, and will strongly support the junior group April.

April is the girl group produced by DSP Media seven years after RAINBOW, and made their debut with a showcase on August 24th, 2015. As their name suggests, they are a girl group that is like a bud sprouting in spring. Also, unlike other groups, April uses a mascot called "Sawol (April)", which looks like a sprout growing from the seed of April. We can look forward to seeing what they do in 2016.

☆ When they debuted, they had a transparency and purity never seen before, and I was excited to see what they would be like in a few years. How did it end up like that... If the members had gotten along well and continued their activities smoothly, what a wonderful group they would have become...

Even though they were on the same boat, they were newcomers, so it couldn't be a big boat all of a sudden. They each had to row in unison. If they had rowed separately, it was only natural that the boat would have swayed and capsized.

They disbanded without having a decent success, but that's why their cute early stage performances are burned into the back of my mind and I still think about them from time to time.

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