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From the "Mka" encore video (TWICE)

From the "Mka" encore video (TWICE)

Comments flood in for TWICE's "I Can't Stop Me" "Mka" encore: "Poor thing" and sympathetic voices

When the media criticized them for only having three members (Jihyo, Nayeon, and Jeongyeon) who could sing properly on their US tour, I thought "it'll be fine" if they could finish the MV so well, so I was fine.

Because every time they come back, the music in the MV was amazing.

Even in America, there are big singers who are still listened to even today, even though they hardly perform live and are called "studio musicians".

There seem to have been voices that make fun of singers who stick to that style, but in the end, they are loved by fans and survive.

TWICE may have started to be said like this because their track record is "approaching (overtaking?)" Girls' Generation.

It seems like "I Can't Stop Me" is overflowing with the thought, "We have to make music worthy of this."

If you're conscious of pursuing "cool" over "cuteness," that's what you end up with...

As a result, although the music was well-received, the finishing touch was a reserved one, apart from Jihyo and Nayeon's singing.

Looking at the "M-ka" encore stage, there was almost no singing apart from Jihyo and Nayeon. Is it because they're no longer in a situation where they can sing casually...?

Music is something that the members themselves enjoy - if they push themselves too hard, the pressure can lead to them shrinking.

TWICE are so busy they can't even get time for lessons. It seems like they're facing a critical moment as the top runners of K-pop girls.

To break away from their selling point of "cuteness," it seems they need to make more effort and persevere, including with their lessons.

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