A girl better than a mermaid, Hani (EXID)
Hani has a straightforward personality and seems to have a boyish side.
When sitting down in a chair, it is normal to either bring your knees together or cross your legs in front of people.
There was a time when a photo of Hani sitting with her knees apart, not seeming to care at all, was uploaded along with an article.
Someone probably pointed this out to her later, but Hani probably just ignored it.
Hani's uninhibitedness is probably one of the reasons she maintains such enduring popularity.
In the photo, Hani lives up to the photographer's expectations, looking healthy and also showing off the appearance of a very ordinary sexy woman.
Hani's white skin is dazzling and her beautiful legs are eye-catching.
Add in her beautiful features and she's just an ordinary, lovely woman.
If she were to appear on the cover of a magazine, there would be men who would instantly be captivated.
The words "healthy charm" really bring out the colors.
But she's completely natural.
It's the most appropriate word for Hani right now.
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