雨の記号(rain symbol)

Korean drama "You're Handsome" Episode 16 (Final) (6)

Korean drama "You're Handsome" Episode 16 (Final) (6)

Shin Woo wants to check Minyo's throat, but Hooni's jacket is in the way, so he can't look into it.
"Oh, try it."
Without listening to Jeremy's exchange, Taecyeon asked Hooni.
"Since when have you been sleeping?"
Huni replied with a laugh.
"Some time ago."
"By the way... did you see her on the phone with her sister?"
"I want to know if you told her sister about me."
Huni asked back with her arms folded.
"What? You've been completely indifferent until now. Why?"
Huni's cell phone started ringing.
"How do I get into Billboard?"
President Ann started talking to everyone.
“Would you like to sit on the ground?”
Huni got up from her seat. He walked past Taecyeon and left the table.
"No, it's music."
"That's right. Shinu can speak English, and many things..."
The call that Huni received was from the real Minam.
“Oh, Minam? Minyo is also here. Come back quickly.
President Anne continued to raise glasses against the other members.
"Let's make it a perfect concert. Hey, please make an appearance."
Yoo Hei glances at Taecyeon and responds.
Taecyeon keeps his mouth shut.
Minho also unconsciously reacted or tossed and turned. He rested his face on Taecyeon's lap.
Taecyeon frowned. I can't do things like a man's lap pillow.
I grabbed Minho's chin to wake her up. When he turned around, the impression that jumped into his eyes was not the usual Minam. Taecyeon nods his head. The impression and feel are somewhat different.
He took Minho's hand. It's similar to the feeling I get when I take her hand and guide her someday. No, it's the same. It's the same feeling when someone holds your hand in a movie theater.
``When it's over, it's an Asia tour,'' said Ahn. "Then the cheers will resound in the Tokyo Dome. It's A.N.JELL, A.N.JELL, A.N.JELL. Jackpot, jackpot, haha, nice. Cheers."
Taecyeon didn't hear anything from President Ahn. Shinu didn't hear either. I'm looking at Taecyeon's expression. The two look at each other.
"It's Go Minyo"
"It seems so."
"They exchanged their eyes like that."
"Thirty thousand people."
"Is that so?"
Taecyeon started.
"I'm going to take Minam with me when I get home."
President Ann nods obediently.
"I see."
Taecyeon leaves the table with Minyo. Shinu silently sees them off.
"Hey, eat..."

Funi's meeting continues.
"That's right, that's right... I'm going to take her sister, so let's change there... Yes, let's do that. It's OK with this."
Huni hung up and returned to the table.
However, when I returned to the table, Minho was gone.
"Rereretsu? What happened to Minam?"
Shinu stood by Huni.
"Taecyeon took me."
"Where's Taecyeon?"
"Looks like you got it. The president didn't find out."
"I see, I was saved.... hm? Did you notice?"
Huni smiled.
"The result will be all right. If Taecyeon took him, it might work... well, it's an unexpected development."


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