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Cosmic Girls' Guerrilla Live

Cosmic Girls' Guerrilla Live

Cosmic Girls held a guerrilla date in Shinchon...a huge success with many fans gathering!

Female idol group Cosmic Girls (WJSN) held a guerrilla live.

On September 10th, Cosmic Girls (members: Solar, EXY, Bona, Sonso, Eunso, Dayeong, Dawon, Subin, Suni, Yeolmu, Migi, Luda, Yeonjung) held a guerrilla live in front of U-PLEX in Shinchon, Seoul.

In addition to appearing on TV shows, the members have also interacted directly with fans through mini fan meetings and autograph sessions, and this time they once again had a great time with their fans through a guerrilla live.

More than a thousand people gathered for the guerrilla live that day, and Cosmic Girls performed their debut song "MoMoMo" and new songs "Secret" and "BeBe," livening up the venue.

An official from their agency said, "Despite the unannounced guerrilla concert, it was a much bigger success than we expected. We thank the fans for their enthusiastic support," and "We are planning to hold more special events in the future, so please look forward to them."

WJSN recently welcomed new member Yeonjung and made a comeback with 13 members.

The title song "Secret" from their mini-album "THE SECRET," released on September 17, ranked in the top 10 on major music distribution sites, making it their biggest hit since their debut. They are still active today.

(From K-POP News)

As usual, I am writing this while watching their performance.

I have been looking at their profiles, but there are so many of them that it is difficult to remember them all.

WJSN is also a new group that is attracting attention, so I often watch them on YouTube.

However, perhaps because of the large number of members, I feel that I am not used to watching their performances.

The number of 11 members in "I.O.I" has started to feel a bit too many these days.

Although the seven-member unit performs in "Whatta Man," I think that with this number of members, you can see each member's dance moves and movements.

In WJSN's performance, the only one who can be recognized no matter where she moves is Yeonjung.

The rest are all mixed up and it's hard to tell who is who.

Even Songso, who is renowned for her beauty, can't be caught in the midst of her movements on stage.

You catch a glimpse of her for a moment, but the next moment you forget her.

The impression is that there are too many members.

With 13 members, I even think that they would be better off splitting into two groups (though it's probably not possible for new girls to do that).

Watching their performance on stage, the space each member has to move around is actually narrow, and it starts to look like a group of young children playing.

However, perhaps this is part of their strategy, but there are certainly moments when the cuteness of girls playing in a group emerges.

Until now, Girls' Generation has represented the image of a large girl group.

TWICE follows in terms of popularity, and is gradually erasing the image of a large group.

When the nine members of Girls' Generation appeared in Japan, it seemed like a lot.

I thought it would be impossible to remember all of their names.

In fact, when I had about half of them in my memory, when I added one more, another one would slip out of my memory.

However, by the time Girls' Generation started their tour, thanks to their popularity, I was able to recite the names of the members fluently.

Looking back, I think the hardest time was when I had remembered half of them. When there were only two left, I would count the members I knew on my fingers, and they would come out naturally.

If you look at a video of WJSN's guerrilla live performance, you can see that a large number of fans have flocked to their stage (location) and swarmed around them, cheering.

As expected, the number of people was much larger than at DIA's street performance.

They are shouting loudly at the various members.

Even though they're dressed in pretty outfits, I thought they'd just look like normal girls on the street in broad daylight, but that wasn't the case.

Looking more closely, the members are all pretty, with good looks and figures.
This might be what they mean when they say they're all top-notch.

The members spread out and are charming their fans.
Seeing them all on one screen, it wasn't like "even the dead trees are full of life," but it was exactly like seeing a colony of "flowers in season."

Looking at other footage, there is also footage circulating that focuses on just Songso.

Hmm, I forgot the name of the agency that WJSN belongs to, but I guess they can do things like this because they're an agency that can be easily evaded.

However, looking at this guerrilla concert under the open sky, it's not so bad after all.

...The one singing live with that beautiful voice is...Yeonjung?

Who is this girl? What about that girl?

I've seen the other girls on stage, but I can't remember their names.

I spotted Songso up close, but couldn't remember who the cute girl next to me was.


I tried to name them all, but when I checked later, I found that "Sora" was by chance.

I hope this group will establish itself as a popular "big group of girls."

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