AY2015 ICU-Sophia International Symposium
Who controls Food and Agriculture?
New Challenges for Social Movement, Democracy,
and Human Rights in a Global Era
2015年12月5日(土)10:00 ~ 17:40(受付 9:30~)
■場所:上智大学四谷キャンパス 2号館17階 1702国際会議室(最寄:各線四ツ谷駅)
共催: 国際基督教大学社会科学研究所
10:00 – 17:40, December 5th, Saturday, 2015
(Open at 9:30)
International Conference Room 1702, Building No.2, Sophia University
Institute of Global Concern, Sophia University
Social Science Research Institute, International Christian University
■Flyer of the symposium can be downloaded here↓
35th International Symposium flyer
(SERAPAZ:平和のためのアドボカシー団体, メキシコ)
(UNAC:モザンビーク全国農民連合, モザンビーク)
[ Content of the symposium ]
Globalization has not only positive but also negative aspects against which society has been fighting for some time. Since the year 2000 people have been able to express their concerns to their governments through non-violent but powerful protests and as a result some progress has been made.
However, in recent years, global powers (represented by large supranational companies among others) have grown so strong that people have lost their capacity to negotiate and obtain satisfactory answers. Violent crackdowns on protests are becoming increasingly frequent and civil society feels that it is being ignored. Secret agreements between governments and companies are taking place regardless of the popular will indicating that we have entered a new phase.
Large companies seek their own benefit by investing, implementing global standards or by using M&A strategic management and try consistently to pay as little tax as possible. For example, they invest in international financing, in urban development and purchasing massive quantities of land.
Many issues could be addressed at this symposium but do to the constraints of time. We decided to give priority to food and agriculture since we consider this area to have a huge influence on daily life. During the time available to us today we will explore during the day, as well, optimal ways of confronting the increasingly aggressive attitudes of global power.
Keynote speakers from Mexico and Mozambique will talk about the challenges to the global food crisis in their countries in a context of a more generalized global crisis that includes democratic, economic and human rights aspects, and panelists will discuss about food sovereignty in Japan in that same context.
[ Keynote speakers ]
Miguel Álvarez Gándara (SERAPAZ, Mexico)
Vicente Adriano Vicente (UNAC, Mozambique)
[ Panelists ]
Kae Sekine (Aichi Gakuin University)
Shoko Uchida (PARC)
Hirotsugu Saito (Jinendo)
Patxi Álvarez (The Social Justice Secretariat at the General Curia of the Society of Jesus)