

本当に土づくり その1/real work for soil improvement part1

2021-03-09 01:08:00 | 日記


plowing soil first time. This needs to be done so that the surface layer could be replaced by underground layer of soil and that big pieces of soil to be crushed into smaller ones.
Today, whole area of my farmland was plowed by shovel by one time. But it was found later that I should have not only done this but also done crushing work. Because of not doing crushing work, I had to plow again the other day.

土づくりの前に/before soil improvement

2021-03-07 00:56:00 | 日記



I started studying farming from nothing. There is tremendous amount of related information in the web, so there will be no shortage. But the other challenge to me is maybe to identify right information I should know first.

By some research, I found I should start from soil preparation. Briefly to need to recover the quality of soil so that it can best support the growth of vegetable.

What a nerve left garbage can here!

農園作業に必要な道具、肥料など/tools, fertilizer, etc.

2021-03-06 22:04:00 | 日記



The public farmland this year opened on 6th March. I did first walk down on the day. Hoe, shovel, bucket, scourer and water place is available there.
Almost all the other necessary tools were procured at 100yen shop, and some at home center shop Shimachu.
Only one thing difficult for me to prepare was fertilizer, etc. Due to its heavy weight, it was almost impossible to transport it from the home center shop to my farmland by my bicycle. I don’t own car btw. But after negotiation, they confirmed that my ordering fertilizer would be delivered directly to my farmland.

区民農園に当たる/first allocation of farmland

2021-03-01 00:22:00 | 日記


Early 2021, I was motivated to do new things in this year because it looks less busy for my main work due to almost prohibited foreign travel so on. So I applied to yearly lease of local county owned farm, which have been long interesting to me, and won my seat successfully. This blog will try to record what happen with the farming by who have no experience.