English Coversation for Grown-Ups ( 大人の英会話)in Gifu City.Gifu Prefecture.Japan./ Lectuer.Mr.Shuichi Ito ( The Little Prince ) / Do you live in a small town ? or a small island ? / Where is it very small ? / What sort of object is that ? / What ? / That./It' called a aeroplane.It flies./ I was flying in it. But it broke down./ You must have dropped from the sky./ That's right./ You too,How funny./ If you don't mend,I prefer having my misfortunes taken seriously./ Date:2021.5.1./
English Conversation ( 英会話)in Gifu City.Gifu Prefecture.Japan./ Lectuer.Mr.Shuichi Ito (~ No! Never~)/ No Never Never mind No way No idea No use/ No doubt No excuse It's a very good excuse./ It's not fair. You make me sick. I'm mad at you./ I'm furious. You are lazy. You are clumy./ Good job. Well done. I can't stand it. Relax./ I'm scared he'll say no. I'm scared he might get furious./I'm scared he might make a negative remarks./ Date:2021.5.1./
English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City.Gifu Prefecture.Japan./ Lectuer.Mrs.Mieko Onogi ( Simple English ) / I have a very good memory./ Americn food has too much calories./ My cell phone doesn't have a camera/ My English is constanly getting better./ When it gets cold in Tokyo,it gets hot in Sydney./ Please give me a wake-up call at 6:30/ The manager of the store didn't give me a discount/ The pain will go away soon./ You can got at your own pace./ The price will come down in the near time./ Those pictures came out very well./Date:2021.5.1./
Learn a trade,for the time will come when you shall need it.
( 技を覚えよ、それを必要とする時がくるから。)
English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City.Gifu Prefecture.Japan./ Lectuer.Mrs.Fumiko Shichi ( Basic Phrase )~In Room ~/ Hello.Front.Desk ? / What's the check -out time,Please ?/ Hello,operation ? / I'd like a make-up call tomorrow morning at 7:00/ Kasai in 517,Please: Bath room: Water closet: Beside table: Bed:Writng deck: Chair:TV set: Closet:Shoe-shine rag:/ Not hotwater/ No picture on the TV/ Cooler does't work/ I'd like to change my room./ How to bath/ Shower / Bath mat/ Hand towel / Wash towel/ Faucet/Date:2021.5.1/