English Conversation for Grown-Ups ( 大人の英会話)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer.Mr.Shuichi Ito ( Roman Holiday ) / My dear,you're ill. I will send for Dr.Bonnachoven. I don't want Dr.Bonnnachoven. Please let me die in peace.You 're ot dying./ Leave me.Leave me. It's nerves. Control yopurself,Ann.I don't want to. Your Highness. I'll get Dr.Bonnachoven.It's no use. I will be dead before he gets here. / She's asleep. She was in hysterics . Yhree minutes ago,docter. Are you asleep ma'am? No. I'll only disturb. Your royal highness a moment. I am very ashmed,Dr.Bonnachoven. I suddenly. I was crying. Hmm.To cry ? A Perfectly normal thing to do.It's most important she be calm and relaxed./ For the press conference ,docter.Don't worry,docter.I'll be calm and relaxed./