人的サービス Jinteki Service


Gifu/ Shopping

2021-05-22 17:11:42 | 日記

Shopping " Daiso Valor Nagara Shop " ( ダイソーバロー長良店)in Gifu City.Gifu Prefecture.Japan./ The Daiso Valor Nagara Shop is located in the Valor Nagara Super Market./ A kind of things:Adhesive./ How many number:One adhesive./ Price:110yen./ How to payment:Cash./ Date:2021.5.22.10:00am~10:10am./





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Gifu / English Conversation for Grown-Ups

2021-05-22 08:46:03 | 日記

English Conversation for Grown-Ups ( 大人の英会話)in Gifu City.Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer.Mr.Shuichi Ito ( RomanHoliday )/ Listen. Oh,Ann.Your slippers.Please put on your slippers.And come away from the window. Your milk and crackers. Everything we do is so wholesome.They'll help you to sleep.I shan't sleep a wink./ Now,dear,if you don't mind,tomorrow's schedule or schedule.Whichever you prefer.Both are corret. / 8:30 breakfast with the embassy staff. /9:00 we leave for the Polinari Automotive works,where you'll be presented with a small car./2021.5.22./

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Gifu / English Conversation

2021-05-22 08:30:36 | 日記

English Conversation Lesson ( 英会話教室)in Gifu City.Gifu Prefecture.Japan./ Lectuer.Mr.Shuichi Ito ( ~ Through ~)/I'm through. I'm done. I did it. I made it. drive through./ I will do it. Finish. Go through the document./~Or~/ Hurry up or you will be late. you will miss the train./ Hurry up or you will get wet. I will be gone./ Come with me, otherwise you will die./ ~Do you mind ?~/ Do you mind setting up a meeting for me? / Would you mind if I ask you to open the window ? / I don't. Never mind. For get it. Don't mind./Date:2021.5.22./

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Gifu / English Lesson

2021-05-22 08:17:36 | 日記

English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City.Gifu Prefecture.Japan./ Lectuer.Mrs.Mieko Onogi ( Simple English )~Make ~/ What made you come to Japan ? / Shall I make a sandwich ? / I want to make many foreign friends./ My company made a lot of profit last year./ Cidy will make a good mother./ Make yourself at home./ His death made us cry./ My second son often makes me angry./ Martin always makes us laugh./ Ms.Green often makes me laugh./The letter made me sad./ The book made Susie a famous person./ Do you want to make a lot of foreign friends ? / Date:2021.5.22./

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Today's Saying

2021-05-22 08:14:31 | 日記

Like father,Like son.

( この子にしてこの子あり。)~この親にしてこの子あり~

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