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Today's Saying

2021-05-26 07:57:51 | 日記

The end crowns the work.

( 時の流れは人を待たない。)

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Gifu / English Lesson

2021-05-26 07:35:17 | 日記

English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City.Gifu Prefecture.Japan./ Lectuer.Mrs.Fumiko Shichi ( Basic Phrase )/ Seikan tunnel connects Hokkaido and Honshu./ You can go to Hokkaido by train./ The biggest city in Hokkaido is Sapporo./ Sapporo is famous for its snow festival./ Shiretoko is a world Heritage Site./ Don't miss the beautiful nature in Shiretoko./ It's betee to go by plane./You should visit the Tohoku area./ You should go to Morioka./ The Shikansen connects major cities in Japan./ The Shinkansen runs forom Shinhakodate to Kagoshimachuo./ I recommend usuing the Japan Rail pass./ " Nobori " means " going to the center."/ " Kudari " means " Going away from the center "./ Date:2021.5.26./

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