English Conversation for grown-ups ( 大人の英会話)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Date and Time:2022.6.1.13:30pm~15:00pm./ Place:Miyako Central Health Center./ Lectuer.Mr.Shuichi Ito/ Content:Hearing a song [ Edelweiss ] Edelweiss edelweiss Every morning you greet me Shall and White ,clean and bright you look happy to meet me...../Content:Questionnaire enquete survey [ Roman Holiday ] /Contente:Review of last class: Word:foreever. fifty-fifty.He fever.telescope. telephone. telepathy. telegram. television. teleport. I wis I were a bird. I wish you a merry X'mas and a happy new year. Say " Happy new year "Happy birthday. Good morning. What's the matter ? / Contente:abbreviation: NATO ( North Atlantic Treaty Organization ).BLM ( Black Lives Matter ) / Content: Home work [ Nothing like that ] [] /Contente: Roman Holyday Section 4 ( starts from line 50 of page 2/Content:[ You can do it ] : Do your best. Give it a try. Go for it. Keep it up. Just do it. Good luck. I wish you good luck. Believe in yourself. Hang in there. It's kind of fun to do the impossible. What are you waiting for? Give it your best shot. Reach for the stars. Aim at perfection. We'll always support you. I admire the way you are studying. Break a leg./ Next day Home work [ Nothing like that ] [ Like what ? ] /