English Conversation in Movies ( 映画で英会話)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer.Mr.Syuichi Ito / ~ Images of Morning~/ I water the plants./ I feed the cat. / I turn off the house./ I take my umbrella./ I think I have a hangover./ I feel dizzy./ My breath is awful./ Date:2022.8.24./
English Conversation for grown-ups in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuere.Mr.Syuichi Ito / ~ Home works ~ / Boy a: Abraham Lincoin had a very hard childhood,he had to walk seven miles to school every day. Boy b: Well, he should have got up earlier and caught the school bus like everyone else./date:2022.8.24/
English Conversation for grown-ups ( 大人の英会話)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer.Mr.Syuichi Ito / ~Oops~ / Absolutely. Precisely. Brilliant. Awensome. Certainly./ WOW. Fabulous. Disgusting,Great. Unbelievable Exactly./ Excellent.Believe me. Not a big deal.It's deal./Date:2022.8.24./
English Lesson (英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer.Mrs.Mieko Onogi / ~ Have~ / Hokkaido doesn't have a rainy season./ We had a very big party yesterday. / They had a very long drive in the US. / I had a strange dream last night./ Everybody has ups and down./ I have nothing to do tomorrow./ Date:2022.8.24./