English Conversation ( 3 ) ( 英会話)/ Lectuer.Mr.Syuichi Ito / ~Images of morning~/I take a shower./ I wash my face./ I brush my teeth./ I brush my hair/ I set my hair./ I put on my suit./ I put on my contact lenses./ I put on my makeup./ I read the newspaper./ I read the headline of the paper./Date:2024,26,January,/
English Conversation ( 2 ) ( 英会話)/ Lectuer.Mr.Syuichi Ito /~Natural talk~/ ~Right away~ rai daway~/ ~right now~rai now~/ I'll be sure to do it right away./ I want it done and on my desk,right away./ Date:2024.26,January./
English Conversation ( 1 ) ( 英会話)/ Lectuer.Mr.Syuichi Ito / ~Otheres ~/ That reminds me./ Believe it or not./ To tell a truth./ Usually./ Don't tell me a lie./ Generally spearking./ Besides./ even if./ even though./ first of all./ Date:2024.26.January./
English Lesson ( 英語教室)/ Lectuer.Mrs.Mieko Onogi/~Work~/ This medicine doesn't work./ I usually work from 9 to 5./ My daughter works for a travel agency./ Todd worked hard to pass the examination./ The soccer team is working very hard to become No1 in the town./ Date:2024.26.January./