English Conversation Lesson ( 英会話教室)in Gifu City.Gifu Prefecture.Japan./ Lecture.Mr.Shuichi Ito ( ~ I am nervous ~)/ I am stacked in a traffic jam./ I was wondering if you come with me./ I wonder if you could help me to move this table to over there./ I am mad. I am mad at you. It makes me sick./ You drive me crazy. You asshole. I screwed up. I messed up.../ It doesn't pay off. That is a question.It's funny,though./ She is not very smart,but she is cute,though./~ Do me a favor ~ / Will you do me a favor ? May I ask you a favor ? / Don't say that. Don't be ridiculous./You are nuts. You are ugly./ You are lazy. He is a bike Freak./This is a fake. Fake far./ It's delicious. It's yummy yummy in my tummy./ Yuck. yucky./ Date:2021.5.28./
English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City.Gifu Prefecture.Japan./ Lectuer.Mrs.Mieko Onogi ( Simple English ) ~ Let ~ / Let me introduce myself./ Let me use your electoric dictionary./ Let me know your name and email address./ Let me try it again./ Let me show my DVD collection./ Finally the coach let the players go home./ Don't let me down./There's a song," Let it be" by the Beatles. What does " Let it be " mean ? / Date:2021.5.28./
English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture.Japan./ Lectuer.Mrs.Fumiko Shichi ( Basic Phrase ) ~ Japanese eating habits~/ Traditional breakfast: rice.miso soup.fish.pickled vegetables./ Lunch: set-meals. buckwheat at noodles. wheat noodles.Chinese noodles. western foods. rice bowls./ Dinner: sushi ( comveyor -belt sushi). Japanese one-put-meals. hot-plate grilled foods. skewered foods. side dishes of sake./Late-night meals: tea-soaked rice. rice balls. / Breakfast: grilled fish. raw egg. Japanese rolled omelet. fermented soybeans. toasted seaweed./Date:2021.5.28./
Shopping " Genki Nagara Park Kita Shop " ( 元気長良公園北店)in Gifu City.Gifu Prefecture.Japan./ The Genki Nagara Park Kita Shop is located to the north of theNagara Park./ A kind of things:Foods./ How many number: Two cheese.One chikuwa.Two becorn.Five hams./price:1361yen./ How to payment:Card./ Date:2021.5.27.16:50pm~17:10pm./