I could not remind password for this site for long time. but I got it.
I hve overhawled my flute on the end of Octorber. It took 4 weeks to change the pad of tone hole. Muramatsu is a japanese flute manufacturer which makes one of the finest flute in the world. Top player ,Sir James Galway uses it,,, also me.
I bought it more than 40 years ago when I was a high school student.
I played it for 10 years. I started playing flute recently. Now I enjoy it much. I can return my high school age when I play it.
My sound retuns day by day. I suppose I can enjoy it much more than my young age. there is much information through Internet. You tube. top player's website. there are many site which give me web lesson.
Nina Perlove's site is one of them. Her site gave me vibrato lesson, sound making lesson,,, I have never get such information,,, every thing is changing to better by Internet.
I started to get private lesson 3 time in a month. First time was last Satureday. Teacher Sato-san has a wonderful sound but 30 minutes seems too short.
I hve overhawled my flute on the end of Octorber. It took 4 weeks to change the pad of tone hole. Muramatsu is a japanese flute manufacturer which makes one of the finest flute in the world. Top player ,Sir James Galway uses it,,, also me.
I bought it more than 40 years ago when I was a high school student.
I played it for 10 years. I started playing flute recently. Now I enjoy it much. I can return my high school age when I play it.
My sound retuns day by day. I suppose I can enjoy it much more than my young age. there is much information through Internet. You tube. top player's website. there are many site which give me web lesson.
Nina Perlove's site is one of them. Her site gave me vibrato lesson, sound making lesson,,, I have never get such information,,, every thing is changing to better by Internet.
I started to get private lesson 3 time in a month. First time was last Satureday. Teacher Sato-san has a wonderful sound but 30 minutes seems too short.
三高の名前が入っているので見つけ出してくれたのかな。 これからは 日本語にします。