日大三高 同期会、フルート

日大三高 昭和44年度卒業 清水幸 
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New Year's decoration

2006年12月30日 | Weblog
This is my wife's work for the new year's decoaration.
She likes to make decorations, when baby born ,new year , christmas. When any event happens especialy good event, she produces them and she presents them to her friends.

Today is 30th December, almost end of this year, she is cooking for the new year's food. Almost food shops are closed until 3rd jan from 1st so there is a custome to prepare the food for the new year. Japanese wife preparess special food for new year. It take much time and efforts, so recently many wifes do not prepare them, but my wife does it. She has kind hearts and does not save the efforts.

New Year's mail, curious custome.

2006年12月24日 | Weblog
We Japanese have a custome to send mail to their friends or relatives when new year, the mail will arive at first of january.
Japanese are counting years by chinese style which categolize the year into 12 animals. 2006 was the year of dog and 2007 is the year of wild boar.
There are other year like , cat, cow, tiger, rabit,,,
We write the mails for new year not only the letters but with these animals illustration. I suppose it is intereing for th western people that Japanese writing direction is vertical.

Above is a new year mail of my father. he will wend more than 30. I will send more than 60. my wife also 60, it is big amount.

So I am now using microsoft ACCESS for wiring address, which can categolize the peole like friends, coleague, relatives. I can write contentes of mail according to the categoly.

日大三高 同期会

2006年12月18日 | Weblog
今回は人数も多かった。 そろそろ昔を懐かしむ年代になっているのかな。
大学の仲間と違って 中学高校の仲間は違う分野にすすんでいるひとが多いので会うと本当に面白い。

同期会 class_mate

2006年12月17日 | Weblog
日大三高 同期会です。  みんな元気でなにより。 今年の忘年会はいつもより多く、そう 石野君の奥さんも来られました。 石野も本当に面倒見がよく 付き合いもいい奴だったが 奥さんもおんなじ 本当にご主人を偲んでいるようです。

2次会に月村氏のお店 元麻布ヒルズのStyleというイタリアンレストランに行った。 当然のことながらここまで参加すると 平塚には戻って来られなく、安藤と
ビジネスホテルに入ってまた 部屋で一杯 3次会となった。


This is the classmate meeting of my Jr high school and highschool age.
I went private school where i spent 6 years with same mate.