日大三高 同期会、フルート

日大三高 昭和44年度卒業 清水幸 
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Cool !

2007年05月13日 | Weblog
Japanese transportation is cool ! Time acuracy is quite high.

I went to Shizuoka Prefecture today to atend a funeral ceremony of my coleague's father. I must get on 4 trains and 1 bus. I got on a bus first near my home, the bus came to bus stop 2 minute later than time table. It is acceptable as a bus schedule.
I got on 4 trains to go there , all of trains came to station just on time ,difference seems within 1 minute. Before I left home ,I printed out time scedule from nearest station to target station by getting information on internet. I could not check the difference within 1 minute because my watch is not adjusted by second. So I can say only that the train time accuracy +was not beyond one minute .

Some of the other countries is same level but almost countries are not correct about time.

I know japanese transportation system is cool. Ithink it is a charactor of japanese people.
