What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome

Secret code that Master Kukai taught me.

Emperor Kōbun, Emperor Temmu, and Nara no Yaezakura

2020-10-16 06:06:06 | What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome


Friday, 16th of October, 2020

The day after we visited the tomb of Emperor Kōbun (弘文天皇), we went to the tomb of Emperor Temmu (天武天皇).

I asked Mr. Takebe a difficult request so that the two leading figures in the Jinshin War (壬申の乱) would meet again and make up after 1,300 years.

Later, I looked up the place on the map which formed a right-angled isosceles triangle with the tombs of the two persons, I found that it was Chisoku-in (知足院), and the double-flowered cherry of Nara (Nara no Yaezakura) was there.

Nearby, at a point that also forms an isosceles triangle, is Kukai Temple (空海寺).

This is, in ancient times, a person who knew the locations of the tombs of Emperor Kōbun and Emperor Temmu must have planted a Nara no Yaezakura tree as a memorial to their soul.

And Kukai would have known the secret of that double-flowered cherry tree, and it occurs to me that he always prayed equally to the two men of the Jinshin War from Kukai Temple.

There have been wonderful predecessors in Japan.

Knowing these things, I would like to go to see the double cherry blossoms at Chisoku-in Temple in Nara in the spring, and then go to Kukai Temple from there to feel the thoughts of our predecessors.

From the garden of the temple, compass glasses show the tombs at 84 and 174 degrees, respectively.

Later on, I would find out that an important person for Emperor Temmu and Emperor Kobun was buried on the 174-degree line.


Hmm? What!?  The words sound in my head from the angular numbers are "Don't wait until spring, Get going in a hurry! (Ha Yo I ki Na Yo: 84 174)!"

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