What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome

Secret code that Master Kukai taught me.

There has a stone chamber also in the Princess Tōchi's tomb

2020-10-31 06:06:06 | What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome


Saturday, 31st of  October, 2020

We made our way from the tomb of Princess Nukata (額田王) to the tomb of Princess Nukata's daughter, the Princess Tōchi (十市皇女).

At the entrance to the tomb, there was Jūni Shrine (十二神社: Twelve Gods' shrine).


Mr. Takebe parked his car at the shrine and walked up the slope on the left side.


Princess Tōchi was asleep in the mountain, which was not visited by people quietly.

However, her mother, Princess Nukata must have accompanied us and met her for the first time in over 1,300 years.

Not only her mother, Emperor Kobun and Emperor Temmu might have accompanied us.

"Tomorrow, Princess Tōchi and all of her relatives would meet with Princess Nukata," I thought as I descended the mountain. 

From there, Mr. Takebe drove to the inn in Katsurao (葛尾) where the Nabari poison wine murder case (名張毒ぶどう酒事件) took place.

...to be continued.

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