Monday, 19th of October, 2020
I found the tomb of Emperor Kōbun (弘文天皇) and the tomb of his wife, Princess Tōchi (十市皇女) ...
Then I wondered if they had a child.
I looked into it... but in this convenient world, the answer came up on the Internet.
Then, the answer came to me: "Kadono no Ōkimi (葛野王: King Kadono)"
"Find out where is the tomb of King Kadono (葛野王), whose father was Emperor Kōbun and whose mother was the Princess Tōchi!" sounded in my head. Are you the Master Kukai?
Once the locations of the mother and father's tombs are figured out, the first place as the son is laid to rest would be equidistant from the two tombs.
Draw a circle from the tomb each and connect the two points where the two circles intersect (red line) then the tombs are equidistant from that line.
Look at the contour line on that red line to find the son's tomb. The location of the tomb will always have a distinctive feature to it.
A name of a mountain, a shrine or temple, the site of an abandoned temple, or an artificial contour line, etc. can be seen.
And in the case of tombs, there is always a contour line of the mountain of worshipping from afar at a lower point.
If there are no traces of this in the area of the isosceles triangle, then we will look at the contour line near the points (red circle) made by the two points and Thales' theorem.
In short, it is the point that forms a right-angled triangle with the two points.
I usually find a tomb in this way, and it is enough for me to take a few minutes for such a process.
Even then, if we still cannot find a contour line that seems like a tomb, then either of the basic tombs is wrong.
But since I have hundreds of data stored, surely I will not make a mistake.
In such a short amount of time, I found the tomb of King Kadono.
I found it, tentatively.
Then, in order to make sure that the tomb is correct, I look at the relationship between the tomb and his grandparents' tomb. And then I convince the tomb is correct in essence.
All of them are connected in a chain of trigonometry to the tomb of Jesus Christ, the ancestor of our ancestors.
Japanese ancestors are amazing!
They had marked this earth with a trick that would reveal the real tomb of the Great Kings (Emperors) and their real history!
In fact, on the line of 174 degrees from the Nara no Yaezakura in Chisoku-in, there is another tomb where an important noblewoman is resting.
It was the tomb of the Princess Tōchi, who was Emperor Temmu's princess and Emperor Kōbun's wife. And that place, Emperor Kōbun's tomb, and the three points of the Chisoku-in form a 2:1:√3 right-angled triangle.