

PCAOB reveals selected areas of focus for 2022 inspections




The PCAOB released its Staff Overview for Planned 2022 Inspections on Thursday, highlighting 10 areas of focus.

・Fraud and other risks; 不正リスクおよびその他のリスク

・Initial public offerings (IPOs) and mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity;IPOおよびM&A取引

・Audit firms' execution challenges; 監査事務所運営上の課題

・Broker-dealer-specific considerations; ブローカー・ディーラー監査特有の考慮事項


・Use of service providers in the confirmation process;確認プロセスにおけるサービスプロバイダーの利用

・Critical audit matters;CAM(国際監査基準や日本基準におけるKAMみたいなもの)

・Audit areas with continued deficiencies;継続して不備が生じている監査領域

・Firms' quality control systems; and 監査事務所の品質管理

・Technology. テクノロジー


The PCAOB said the areas of focus were based on audit risks driven by several recent developments in the economic environment: an increase in IPOs and M&A activities (including transactions with special-purpose acquisition companies); supply chain disruptions; continued COVID-19 effects; increased volatility in financial markets; and audit firmwide risks, such as "the heightened degree of staff turnover and risks arising from auditing in a remote environment."


Staff Overview for Planned 2022 Inspections(PDFファイル)


Use of Service Providers in the Confirmation Process

We plan to focus on the auditor’s procedures for maintaining control over confirmation requests and responses in upcoming inspections. Auditors might arrange for service providers to assist them during the confirmation process by electronically sending and receiving confirmations. However, the use of a service provider does not relieve the auditor of the responsibility under PCAOB standards to maintain control over the confirmation requests and responses. For more information, see our Spotlight, “Observations and Reminders on the Use of a Service Provider in the Confirmation Process.”


上記記事が掲載されているJournal of Accountancyは、米国公認会計士協会の機関誌ですが、こちらの、大麻ビジネス(州によっては合法化されている)への参入方法といった、独立して会計事務所を経営している会計士向けの記事もあります。

Cannabis: Opportunities for CPAs in a multibillion-dollar industry(JofA)

Despite the differences between state and federal cannabis laws, "cannabusinesses" are at the expanding forefront of a $25 billion industry with enormous potential.

"This niche is in its infancy. In my 40-year career, I can think of two massive opportunities, one of which was the birth of the internet. I think we're going to see a similar thing in cannabis," said Andrew Hunzicker, CPA, co-founder and partner of Dope CFO, which offers cannabis training programs for financial professionals.




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