Chairman of the IASB provides update to ECOFIN on reform of IAS 39
IASBのホームページから、EUの財務相会合で、IASBの議長が金融商品会計(IAS 39 Financial Instruments.)の見直しについて報告したときの声明文です。
When I appeared before you in June, the Council emphasised the need to have a revised standard available for use this year. I gave a commitment to deliver on this timetable. We will publish the new standard in November.
At the heart of our proposal is defining when fair value and cost-based accounting should be applied to financial instruments. Members of this Council and many commentators have expressed concern about any increased use of fair value. I can confirm that extending the use of fair value has not been our motive or intent in developing a new standard.
We believe, as the Basel Committee and the Financial Crisis Advisory Group recommended, that cost-based accounting is appropriate for some financial instruments. The IASB’s emphasis has been to define in a balanced and transparent way the appropriate criteria for classifying instruments to be measured at cost and at fair value - not to increase or decrease arbitrarily the use of fair value.
Let me state clearly: the IASB will not require that the loan book of banks be held at fair value. As a result, the final standard will likely result in financial institutions that undertake traditional banking activities of raising deposits and making basic loans applying less fair value accounting rather than more.
However, we have now further emphasised this point by deciding that the assessment of the business model should be the first factor in determining the classification of financial instruments.
We are addressing the treatment of ‘own credit’. We have proposed the elimination of the counterintuitive result that a company can receive a gain from its own liabilities when the quality of their own credit deteriorates. This is an issue that was raised at the last ECOFIN meeting.
At the same time, we have made important improvements to our original proposal to address the issue of dividends on equity investments and the measurement of unquoted equity investments―issues that the European Commission and insurance companies cited in their comment letters.
While it may have been preferable to have had common timelines with the FASB on financial instruments, the IASB believed that the commitment made to this Council and the conclusion of the G20 overrode this timing consideration.