Reports prepared by public company auditors will contain more information for investors and other financial statement users as a result of new rules approved Thursday by the PCAOB during an open meeting in Washington.
新基準の監査報告書では、現行の合格/不合格の二者択一方式の監査意見は保持しつつ、「クリティカルな監査事項(critical audit matters)」(国際監査基準でKAMといっているものに対応すると思われます)に関する説明を記載させ、監査におけるもっとも困難で、主観的で、複雑な局面についての情報を財務諸表利用者に提供することになります。
Under the new PCAOB standard and related amendments, the auditor's report will retain the pass/fail opinion of the existing auditor's report but also will include a new description of "critical audit matters," providing financial statement users with information about the most challenging, subjective, or complex aspects of the audit.
The standard will create the first significant change to the standard form auditor's report in 70 years, according to PCAOB Chairman James Doty.
Critical audit mattersは、当期の監査から生じた、監査委員会に伝達されたか伝達されるべき事項であって、以下のようなものと定義されています。
Critical audit matters are defined as any matter arising from the current period's audit of the financial statements that was communicated or required to be communicated to the audit committee and that:
・Relates to accounts or disclosures that are material to the financial statements, and
・Involved especially challenging, subjective, or complex auditor judgment.
critical audit mattersがない場合はその旨を記載します。
If no critical audit matters arose from the audit, the audit's report must state that there were no critical audit matters.
各critical audit matterには以下の内容を含めます。
Communication of each critical audit matter will be required to include:
・Identification of the critical audit matter.(critical audit matterの特定)
・Description of the principal considerations that led the auditor to determine that the matter was a critical audit matter.(critical audit matterであると判断した主要な理由)
・Description of how the critical audit matter was addressed in the audit.(監査においてそのcritical audit matterにどのように取り組んだか)
・Reference to the relevant financial statement accounts or disclosures.(関連する財務諸表の勘定や開示への参照)
Additional changes to the auditor's report that were approved Thursday include items that are intended to clarify the auditor's role and responsibilities, provide additional information about the auditor, and make the auditor's report easier to read.
このような改正で、監査の枠組みが大きく変わるわけではありませんが、それなりに実務に影響が出ると思われます。例えば、仮に、東芝の監査にこの新米国基準を適用した場合には、監査報告書は「クリティカルな監査事項(critical audit matters)」だらけになるでしょう。
PCAOB Adopts New Standard to Enhance the Relevance and Usefulness of the Auditor's Report with Additional Information for Investors(PCAOB)