
Regulatory creep from across the Atlantic

FT.com / Comment & analysis / Editorial comment - Regulatory creep from across the Atlantic



Having US inspectors trawling through foreign audit firms must mean wasteful activity. Even where there is a high degree of co-operation, some repetition is bound to occur. And achieving this co-operation will not be possible without large amounts of time and effort that could have been directed elsewhere.


This requirement of Sarbox amounts to telling audit regulators throughout the rest of the world that the US authorities do not believe they will do a proper job. Behaving as though you have a monopoly of virtue is rarely attractive and in this case is also misplaced, since Sarbox falls far short of a regulatory ideal. Even more fundamentally, it is unacceptable that legislators in one country can declare unilaterally that their law should run outside their -jurisdiction.


The response to the Sarbox audit inspection regime should be to fight fire with fire. The European Union audit directive, which is due to take effect in 2008, requires member states to ensure that non-EU companies listed in the region be registered with a European audit regulator and regularly inspected. The requirement can be lifted only where a non-EU regime is reckoned to be broadly similar and both parties agree to accept the other's regulatory system. This should concentrate the minds of US legislators and encourage them to adopt a more reciprocal stance. Unless they do they will face a nasty surprise, when European audit inspectors arrive on US territory and demand to see the books.





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