

Even A Big Four Audit Can't Nail Down Kingdom Holding Numbers

サウジアラビアのAlwaleed王子が大株主になっている Kingdom Holdingという会社の監査人交代を取り上げた記事。(関連するForbes本誌の記事へのリンクも付いています。)

この会社は王子が95%保有している上場会社です。もともとErnst & Youngが監査人でした。



When Ernst & Young pushed back on the valuation of assets held by Kingdom Holding in 2009, the firm initially got away with it. But when the firm did it again in 2010, it seems the Prince got ticked.

”Concerns about the divide between the price and the underlying assets were also raised by Kingdom’s auditor, Ernst & Young. In 2009 and 2010 it signed off on the company’s books but noted in both years a large difference between the market and holding value of the assets. It was such a large difference, the auditor noted, that the prince injected 180 million personal shares of Citi, worth $600 million, at no cost to Kingdom, simply to reduce pressure to mark down assets. In other words, the prince was moving assets he owned privately 100% into a public vehicle he owns only 95% for no consideration, in order to prop up the books, and presumably the stock. What did Ernst & Young have to say in 2011? Nothing. As of March of that year, it was gone, replaced by PricewaterhouseCoopers at the annual meeting.”

The Prince didn’t wait until the annual meeting in March of 2011 to signal to Ernst & Young their days were numbered. PricewaterhouseCoopers’ global chairman Dennis Nally, and an entourage of his own, visited the Prince two months earlier, in January.

Maybe PwC agreed to give the man what he wants.(たぶん、PwCは王子が欲しがっているものを与えることに合意したのであろう。)

(記事によれば、背景として、王子がForbesの世界の資産家リストの上位を目指していたということがあるようです。Kingdom Holdingの株価が下がると、王子の保有資産の時価が下がるので、それを避けたかったようです。)




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