ケブさんのいる島の人たちのところには食料などの物資がなかなか届かないようにコントロールされているらしい、その理由は大統領その近辺の悪事を知っていて反対している住民が住んでいるから そしてケブさんのこれらのshootも証拠物件になるから毛部さんにも脅しが、、これをメディア各社その他拡散希望らしいです。
That's all my photos and videos up for now folks. I must ask even though it may seem silly. I have had a lot of warnings from the locals and others that the mayor wants me dead to stop my meddling in his kingdom. Now this is a mayor who personally shot two of the opposition during the May election. He then got the police to bury any evidence, and threaten any witnesses. He was a policeman, and now uses the police as his personal army of thugs. Some of the police have also been warning me secretly. The local congressman is a man with a history of corruption, bank robberies, kidnappings, and "alleged" murders, he is also a close friend of our lovely mayor. So if I do disappear over the next few months would some of you please get the UK govt' to investigate. That may get these bastards locked up and stop them bullying my friends and family here. I don't expect anything to happen as the mayor has a kind of fear of me as an unknown quantity that teaches his men martial arts on the side, but lots of people have told me that they do.
ケブさんのいる島の人たちのところには食料などの物資がなかなか届かないようにコントロールされているらしい、その理由は大統領その近辺の悪事を知っていて反対している住民が住んでいるから そしてケブさんのこれらのshootも証拠物件になるから毛部さんにも脅しが、、これをメディア各社その他拡散希望らしいです。
That's all my photos and videos up for now folks. I must ask even though it may seem silly. I have had a lot of warnings from the locals and others that the mayor wants me dead to stop my meddling in his kingdom. Now this is a mayor who personally shot two of the opposition during the May election. He then got the police to bury any evidence, and threaten any witnesses. He was a policeman, and now uses the police as his personal army of thugs. Some of the police have also been warning me secretly. The local congressman is a man with a history of corruption, bank robberies, kidnappings, and "alleged" murders, he is also a close friend of our lovely mayor. So if I do disappear over the next few months would some of you please get the UK govt' to investigate. That may get these bastards locked up and stop them bullying my friends and family here. I don't expect anything to happen as the mayor has a kind of fear of me as an unknown quantity that teaches his men martial arts on the side, but lots of people have told me that they do.