I enjoyed many kinds of flower.
I heard that this flower is an exotic species. They have strong fertility and are sometimes exterminated to protect endemic species. Certainly it is very cute, but I feel that it is too strong for the image of the coast here.

White flowaer.

I heard that this flower is an exotic species. They have strong fertility and are sometimes exterminated to protect endemic species. Certainly it is very cute, but I feel that it is too strong for the image of the coast here.
この花は聞くところによると、外来種だそうです。繁殖力が強く固有種を守るために時々、駆除するそう。 確かにとても可愛いのですが、ここの海岸の持つイメージには、確かに強すぎるかもと感じました。

Purple flower

White flowaer.

In winter, the red aloe flowers have completely changed colors.

Today too, it's very transparent.