言いたい放題(in ニュージーランド) / Twisted Mind


Go with the flow...

Comedy = relationship??   (コメディーと恋愛は同じ??)

2020-08-16 | Twisted mind

I've seen a comment which is correcting the fact the stand-up comedian said at his performance on YouTube.

I laughed at the comment and thought, it's the same with relationships! Comedy is about having a good laugh. You know what I mean? If you correct what the comedian says, you are missing the point. Comedy is all about laughing, having a great time with laughter, not getting correct information.

I think relationships are the same. Most of the time, it's not important enough to argue over whether I am right or he is right. I usually bet a coffee or dinner when I think I am right - It depends on my confidence level and just turned into a betting game. We are not politicians at debate (Oh, maybe you are). It's all about having a great time / life as a couple, not to find out who is the winner.. And If I was right, I would get dinner!

I don't want to have a relationship with someone like her (the lady commented on YouTube) who corrects the comedian's performance. No sense of humor. Well, I am straight anyway. 


(In Japanese)




私は恋愛も一緒だと思う。ほとんどの場合は私が正しいとか彼が正しいとか口論をして険悪な雰囲気になる価値のあることじゃない。私は大体そういう時はコーヒーとか食事とか ー 賭けるものは私の自信の度合いによるけれど、ゲームとして賭けて楽しむ。政治家の討論じゃなくてね。恋愛や夫婦関係は素敵な関係を保つこと。楽しく賭けて私が正しければ食事ゲット(あ、日本ではあまり関係ないか、、。ニュージーでは男女平等の流れが強いので割り勘の場合も多いんです。)

この指摘コメントをするような女性とはお付き合いしたくないわ。ユーモアのセンスなし。あ、私、女性には興味ないから関係ないか。(Straight = まっすぐ = ゲイじゃなくて異性が好き)



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