カトリック学校の教師のための原則教会文書:注釈付き参考文献2017年2月23日/でのミッションとガバナンス カトリックのアイデンティティの原則、研究報告書 /によってニューマン協会スタッフ教皇レオ13世。(1865)。SpectataFides。Principles Church Documents for Catholic School Teachers: Annotated Bibliography - Cardinal Newman SocietyPope Leo XIII. (1865). Spectata Fides. Retrieved from http://w2.vatican.va/content/leo-xiii/en/encyclicals/documents/hf_l-xiii_enc_27111885_spectatafides.html In these days, and in the present condition of the world, when the tender age of childhood is threatened on every side by so many and such various dangers, hardly anything can be imagined more fitting than the union with literary instruction of sound teaching in […]Principles Church Documents for Catholic School Teachers: Annotated Bibliography - Cardinal Newman Society