Chinese Peasant Workers Go to Russia - A Small Village on the Border The battle for food!
2023/1/1 ロシア国内、18箇所で「バク●ツ」=2022年2月24日以降。モスクワに、ウ軍ドローンが飛来する日。クレムリンがまさかの〇〇発言。プーチン政権、大統領選挙に暗雲か。
Great Panic in the Kremlin: Israel's Secret weapons have Hit Russia!
The War Has Changed Now: Israel decided to secure the 'JUSTICE' in Ukraine! Putin in shocked!
Update from Ukraine | Ruzzia lost 600 soldiers after the single Himars attack | Revenge
Putin's throne is shaking: Ukraine managed to blow up the most reliable Russian airbase!