Enzyme cultivation is the most important technique for the manufacturing of different enzymes.
When fermentation on appropriate substrates is done, both fungus and bacterial microbes are required for the precious collection of enzymes.
Enzyme production can be together performed by submerged and SSF.
Bacterial enzyme production commonly implies SmF method because it requires high water potential. In fungus, where less water potential is required, SSF method is applied.
In the world, 75% of the industries are using SmF for the production of enzymes. The major reason of using SSF is that it does not support genetically modified organisms (gmo) to the extent to which SmF does, so Paragon prefer SmF rather than SSF.
One more reason of using SmF is that it has lack of paraphernalia as related to the cultivation of variety of enzymes using SSF. The microorganism is dissimilar in SmF and SSF by the detailed metabolism display that’s way this is highly critical process.
Here, influx of nutrients and efflux of waste substance is carried out in different metabolic parameters of cultivation. Some small variation from the particular parameters will affect the undesirable product.
Bacterial Enzymes
Cellulose, amylase, xylanase, and L-asparaginase are some well know enzymes produced from bacteria.
Previously Paragon have thought that SmF is one of the best ways to produce enzyme from bacteria.
Current studies have shown that for bacterial enzyme production SSF is more capable than SmF. The most important explanation can be given by metabolic differences. In SmF system, lowering of enzyme activity and production efficiency is done by gathering of different intermediate metabolites.
Fungal Enzymes
Paragon has isolated many Aspergillus spp. from this process, which is industrially important for enzyme production. This fungus has been a well-known model of microorganism for the production of fungus enzyme.
Aspergillus is one of the largest sources of fungal enzyme. The common difference between SSF and SmF are straight lying on the productivity of the fungus. Using SmF, phytase is extracted from Thermoascusauranticus